BWW Blog Writing

by Bangalore Writers Workshop (BWW) Claim Listing

The course is for writers with an appreciation for all varieties of narrative non-fiction and who, ideally, have an existing project in the works. These writers are interested in writing first-person narrative, observational essays, or investigation-based non-fiction.


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Bangalore Writers Workshop (BWW) Logo

img Duration

10 Hours

Course Details

Creative Non-fiction, or narrative non-fiction, despite being a somewhat recently-coined literary term, covers quite a broad spectrum of genres under the banner of creative writing. It can include, but is not limited to, memoir, biography, essays, articles, literary journalism, blogging and poetry. Typically, but not always, writers in this genre are present in their work.  

Writing non-fiction does not mean you must deny the compulsion to be creative. The craft of writing creative non-fiction welcomes the use of tools formerly reserved for writers of fiction. 

This is not the same as making things up. It means discovering the most convincing way to tell your story using every instrument at your disposal. That's why we urge you to apply only if you have attended the BWW Classic course.

You will be guided to write with ambition and imagination using the elements fundamental to creative non-fiction in this workshop. This fairly intensive workshop will help you bring an open-mindedness towards the creation of your work.

You will study published examples of creative non-fiction and develop the vocabulary to critique texts and each other’s work in the class. You will learn to be receptive to constructive criticism while gaining the self-confidence to discern and discard unhelpful criticism.

The workshop methodology will ensure that you will also gain sensitivity in criticising fellow writers, through your nuanced understanding of criticism.

This is not a programme designed for writers who wish to explore different genres (do check our BWW: Classic for that), but rather for those who want to research and/or to write narrative non-fiction, especially on blogs. Creative non-fiction does not include journalistic reportage, technical writing, or genre fiction.

Who Is It Targeted At?

If you have always wanted to have a stellar travel blog, or a blog where you share all the lessons you’ve learnt from your life and work, then this is the course for you.

The course is for writers with an appreciation for all varieties of narrative non-fiction and who, ideally, have an existing project in the works. These writers are interested in writing first-person narrative, observational essays, or investigation-based non-fiction.

What Is Expected From The Participants?

An open mind to learn and experiment with writing techniques focused toward producing a work (or works) of narrative non-fiction.  The willingness to share your work with others while welcoming and providing constructive feedback. 

What Are The Takeaways For The Participants?

Participants will come away from the workshops with confidence in their own writing, trusting their skills and instincts and understanding where their writing fits into the genre of creative non-fiction.

What Is The Methodology?

Discussions about specific writing elements in relation to creative non-fiction as exemplified by proven published works combined with in-class and take-home writing assignments.

We will not take more than 10 students in a class to maintain an intimate set-up that will scale up your learning.

We have partnered with Wet Ink to provide you access to our online organic community at BWW, which will continue to inspire your writing long after the course is over.

We also have regular meet-ups with published authors, agents, and publishers for the community that you can access if you are in Bangalore.

  • Bangalore Branch

    Writers Workshop 125, 4th Main, Kamadhenu Layout, Bangalore

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