
by NHS England - North West Claim Listing

The Cardiology programme runs over 5 years. The first 3 years are core training, in which the trainee gains basic cardiology experience.

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img Duration

5 Years

Course Details


The Cardiology programme runs over 5 years. The first 3 years are core training, in which the trainee gains basic cardiology experience.

They should be competent in echocardiography, angiography and simple pacing as well as non-invasive cardiac investigations and assessment of cardiac patients. During this time they will have the opportunity to be exposed to angioplasty, electrophysiological procedures, cardiac MRI imaging and nuclear imaging.

At the end of core training, there are subspecialty training interviews following which trainees spend the last 2 years in tertiary care left doing sub-specialty training.

The subspecialty modules are in interventional cardiology, electrophysiology, adult congenital heart disease, echo, devices, heart failure, cardiac MR and cardiac CT.

Our programme consists of at least 6 months of the first 3 years in a tertiary centre and at least 2 years in secondary care. The DGH year(s) will include a significant exposure to general medicine, including general medical on-call. 

In tertiary centres, there is no commitment to the general medical on-call rota but trainees will be resident on-call for cardiology, including participation in the primary PCI rota.
General Description of Rotations.

The rotations are every 6 months, although we try to keep trainees in most centres for a 1 year period prior to rotation. The exact rotations are kept fairly fluid so we can attach appropriate trainees to appropriate posts.

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    Three Piccadilly Place, Manchester

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