By learning Performance and Competency, you will be able to develop balanced performance appraisal system for development results and change management. You will learn to understand how to integrate your performance review system with the training plan of the organization.
We believe we can support your learning and growth in the area of Performance and Competency.
Our globally validated certification, Certified Performance and Competency Developer (CPCD), will not only help you master the topics of Performance and Competency but also gives you practical understanding through project work with the support of our project coaches.
Even after completion of the certification, you will also get our continuous support through applied learning coaching for 1 year at no extra cost.
By the end of the program you will learn:
Middle Earth HR Pvt Ltd. is a trusted one-stop destination for all your HR and People Management training and development purposes. It is Asia’s leading Training Organization for this sector as it is the largest HR certification body in terms of the number of HR professionals certified with a huge number of 1,656 professionals went through the certification process last year alone.
Over the years, MEHR holds an astounding record of training more than 35000 HR professionals and has partnered with numerous companies over the same span for training, assessment and other development purposes. They are also the proud recipient of 7 Global Awards and has been working in 10 countries for training recruitment teams of many companies.
Areas Covered:
Note: Special individual and group discounts available for all registrations.
KPI is a quantifiable metrics of a defined objective. It encompasses the factors that lead to the success of an organisation. KPI provides ways and measures to periodically asses the performance of orgnisations, employees, divisions, departments etc.
Key Performance Indicators (KPI) course is offered by CRISP. Our commitment to Learning and Development, Precision job work and e-Governance solutions are probably unrivalled and our endeavor to be the most preferred institution is a continual process.
KPI and performance measurement development involves articulating what an organization is striving to achieve and then labelling the most meaningful and useful indicators of success.
This training discusses the Competency Iceberg Model to understand the minds of high performers. You will learn about competency mapping for scientific competency assessment, understand the science and art of Behaviorally anchored rating scales & much more.
KPI and performance measurement development involves articulating what an organization is striving to achieve and then labelling the most meaningful and useful indicators of success.
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