Diploma In Inventory & Material Management is offered by Exim.Exim Academy is a specialized Logistics, Supply Chain and Export Import management business-training institute, formed for the purpose of educating students, executives and entrepreneurs.
Diploma In Inventory & Material Management is offered by Exim.Exim Academy is a specialized Logistics, Supply Chain and Export Import management business-training institute, formed for the purpose of educating students, executives and entrepreneurs.
We are a trust with noble objectives, which is to create the finest resources in this sector and tomorrows market leaders.
We have trained 350+ students with placement record of 87% into mainstream companies in India and also some of our students with little domestic experience have successfully relocated to UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, based on their knowledge & experience in India. We offer Courses on Logistics, Freight Forwarding, Export Import Management, Export Entrepreneurship.
Exim Academy is a specialized Logistics, Supply Chain and Export Import management business-training institute, formed for the purpose of educating students, executives and entrepreneurs. We are a trust with noble objectives, which is to create the finest resources in this sector and tomorrows market leaders.
We have trained 350+ students with placement record of 87% into mainstream companies in India and also some of our students with little domestic experience have successfully relocated to UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, based on their knowledge & experience in India. We offer Courses on Logistics, Freight Forwarding, Export Import Management, Export Entrepreneurship.
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