Learn multimedia design, web development for internet technology and programming for mobile platforms and devices. Learn the process of designing, coding and deploying mobile applications for use in e-commerce, productivity, enterprise and web purposes.
Learn multimedia design, web development for internet technology and programming for mobile platforms and devices. Learn the process of designing, coding and deploying mobile applications for use in e-commerce, productivity, enterprise and web purposes.
The class focuses on academic, technical skills, and employability practices. Students will develop personal and professional skills in the classroom that will transfer to the workplace:
Human computer interfaces
Programming and scripting languages for web applications
Advanced web application development
iPad/iPhone application development
Emerging web and mobile technologies
Web accessibility, security, dynamic web technologies, copyright and web history
Project management skills
Importance of intellectual property
Understanding ethics and privacy laws
Process to submit apps to the App Store
About Us
We are a Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) high school program offering 25 courses (21 of which are UC “a-g” approved) that prepare students for college and future careers.
The program is FREE for qualified 10, 11 & 12-grade students who are training for a specific career path. Students who enroll in the program must commit to the morning (7:30 to 10:30 a.m.) or afternoon (12:45 to 3:45 p.m.) session Monday - Friday. Bus transportation is provided from the student's home high school to SVCTE, and back to the home high school.
Our daytime Career Technical Education classes are designed specifically for high school students; adults may only register on a space-available basis.
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