Make your own Obstacle Avoiding Robot and start making amazing application such as fire fighting and remote control
What you'll learn
Make your own Obstacle Avoiding Robot with Raspberry Pi
Interface Ultrasonic Sensors with Raspberry Pi
Interface IR Sensors with Raspberry Pi
Interface Motors with Raspberry Pi
Basic experience in Electronics
Basic experience in Raspberry Pi
A Will to apply, not just watch
Intermediate Experience in Python
The Logic of Obstacle Avoiding Robot
As technology continues to evolve so does the need for creativity in the construction of new and more advanced robots. One such example is an obstacle-avoiding robot with Raspberry Pi. The purpose of this project is to construct a robot that avoids obstacles and follows a set path, and the results were quite successful.
The opportunity for creativity with this Raspberry Pi course is infinite. With total freedom to choose your own path in creating your very own custom-designed Obstacle Avoiding Robot, you will have so much fun while learning about electronics, programming, computer science, and innovation.
Raspberry Pi has been programmed with a variety of sensors. The sensors include a Basic Sensor Kit from Sparkfun and a Servo HAT from Adafruit Industries. For obstacle avoidance purposes, a varied configuration is necessary for objects in the environment to be able to be avoided. The Raspberry Pi has been equipped with infrared LEDs, an infrared receiver, and an ultrasonic sensor.
It is a small and affordable computer that, when combined with the right accessories, can be used to create an obstacle-avoiding robot.
Why you should take this course?
The course is designed for beginners.
This Raspberry Pi course teaches you how to program your own obstacle-avoiding robot using the Raspberry Pi.
Helps you to create amazing applications such as fire fighting and remote control.
Learn robotics programming.
You can make this robot for all occasions like teaching children about safety at the park or creating a robot pet for kids.
The course will teach you how to design your own circuits for your robots by using an Arduino, which is an open-source electronics prototyping platform.
You will be able to build working projects that are fun and educational.
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Sam Ander says, "Thanks, good information"
Welcome to this course.
This course will teach you how to make your own Obstacle Avoiding Robot and start making amazing applications such as fire fighting and remote control. This guide will take you in a step-by-step manner to know what each component inside this circuit is, and what it does and how to wire it up, starting with the Ultrasonic Sensor, IR Sensor, Motor Driver and ending with resistors.
You will know what is the actual working principle of Ultrasonic Sensor and IR Sensor and how to interface and configure them correctly so that you can detect objects in the surrounding with your Raspberry Pi Powered device easily and effectively.
After this course, you will be able to make your own Obstacle Avoiding Robot with Raspberry Pi and the choice is yours to use it in any application that comes to your mind and can make your life easier, as all connections are explained in detail.
Goal From This Course:
Connect Arduino Ethernet Shield to Arduino Board with all necessary components and make it internet-based.
What you will learn in this Course:
How to connect Motor Driver Module to Raspberry Pi.
How to connect Ultrasonic and IR Sensors to Raspberry Pi.
How to detect the presence of objects and take actions using Raspberry Pi.
How Ultrasonic and IR Sensors actually work.
How to interface different types of electronic elements with Raspberry Pi.
How Raspberry Pi can make your life easier.
How to program, burn a code, and wire Raspberry Pi and different modules.
What are the right tools that you need to start making amazing projects.
Why using control with Raspberry Pi is better than traditional control methods.
Description should have minimum 200 words.
Basic info:
Course locale: English (US)
Course instructional level: All Levels
Course category: IT & Software
Course subcategory: Hardware
What is primarily taught in your course?
Topic: Robotics
Primary Topic: Raspberry Pi
About the Instructor:
Educational Engineering Team
Team of Skilled Engineers Sharing Knowledge with the World
Educational Engineering Team is a leading entity in the Microcontroller industry with over 13 Years of Experience in teaching and practical projects. We provide in-depth, step-by-step blueprints on taming complex topics in easy and digestible bite-sized videos.
Having been in the Programming and Microcontroller business since 2007, we've catered to students' and educators' needs, teaching over 250k-THOUSAND students and counting
Ashraf Said AlMadhoun is an educator, Mechatronics engineer, electronics and programming hobbyist, and Maker. He is the Chief Educational Engineer at Educational Engineering Team, a company founded to explore new trends and technologies and to educate the world.
Our online courses have helped over 250,000 people globally to excel and make great careers in the industry.
Educational Engineering Team offers Courses on:
Circuit Design, Simulation, and PCB Fabrication
Arduino, PIC Microcontroller, and Raspberry Pi
Programming in C, Python, and other programming languages
PLC Industrial Programming and Automation
3D Design and Simulation
ESP and IoT World
Who this course is for:
Raspberry Pi Geeks
Electronics Geeks
Anyone Interested in Learning New Things about Raspberry Pi
My passion is inspiring people through online courses. I love learning new skills, and since 2007 have been teaching people like you everything I know. Through my online learning business, Educational Engineering School, I create courses that teach you how to become the better version of yourself with all kinds of skills.
What would you like to learn?
Would you like to make money being an Embedded System Developer?
Would you like to build your own 6-figure business?
Would you like to learn how to code, circuit design or solder electronic components?
Would you like to make better projects?
Would you like to start an embedded system career, create great projects, kick start an idea, program, simulate, and create PCB Boards, launch a freelance career?
If you want to do any of these things, just enroll in the course. You have a 30-day money back guarantee if you don't like it. And I'm always improving my courses so that they stay up to date and the best that they can be. Check them out, and enroll today!
More About Ashraf:
I've always tried to live life presently and to the fullest. Some of the things I love to do in my spare time include football, biking, traveling to new places, watching sports (huge football fan here!), and sharing meals with friends and family.
In 2012, I graduated with my Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering at Azhar University - one of the top schools in the country. While there, I was fortunate to make Embedded Systems project using Arduino, PIC Microcontroller and other modules. After graduating, I worked at My own university as a Teacher Assistant . I followed that stint with a contract at a local College where I discovered how amazing it is to share your knowledge offline, which made me eager and eventually found myself starting my own online learning journey. I helped more than 100k student since then. Most recently. Throughout this time I built my Educational Engineering School Online brand to teach others the skills that I have. Now I only do things I love each day.
I want to show you how to be a better Embedded System creator, make money from your skills, and live the life you dreamed of.
Educator and Author of "Educational Engineering".
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