Plumbing and Domestic Heating Technicians plan, select, install, service, commission and maintain all aspects of plumbing and heating systems.
Plumbing and Domestic Heating Technicians plan, select, install, service, commission and maintain all aspects of plumbing and heating systems.
Plumbing and Domestic Heating Technicians can find themselves working inside or outside a property. Customer service skills and being tidy and respectful are important qualities, as they can often find themselves working in customers’ homes, as well as on building sites.
As a competent Plumbing and Domestic Heating Technician, the installation of plumbing and heating systems includes accurate measuring, marking, cutting, bending and jointing metallic and non-metallic pipework.
Appliances and equipment can include gas, oil and solid fuel boilers as well as pumps, heat emitters, bathroom furniture or controls as part of a cold water, hot water, and central heating or above ground drainage and rainwater systems.
Plumbing and Domestic Heating Technicians are at the forefront of installing new and exciting environmental technologies like heat pumps, solar thermal systems, biomass boilers, and water recycling systems. It is important for a Plumbing and Domestic Heating Technician to be able to work independently or as a team,
and use their knowledge and skills to ensure that both the system and appliances are appropriately selected and correctly installed, often without any supervision, and done so in a safe, efficient and economical manner to minimise waste.
Mandatory Qualifications
Level 3 Plumbing and Domestic Heating Diploma
This standard has an assessment at the end of each academic year (phase) which consists of knowledge assessments and practical skills test which must be passed to move on to the next phase.
Towards the end of the programme, apprentices develop a portfolio of site-based evidence to demonstrate achievement of knowledge, skills and behaviors aligned to the standard.
End Point Assessment
Apprentices are required to undertake an end point assessment. This will consist of:
A multiple choice knowledge test
A design project
A practical installation test
A practical application test
A professional discussion
Entry Requirements
Full Level 2 (5 GCSE’s or equivalent), or a relevant Level 2 plumbing qualification with maths and English at a minimum of Level 1
Apprentices must be in suitable employment have the opportunity to develop all required knowledge, skills and behaviours aligned to this apprenticeship standard.
Why Apprenticiship
At Salford City College?
Apprenticeships at Salford City College are an award-winning, leading training provider in Greater Manchester, operating across the North West. We have been offering outstanding apprenticeship provision for over 10 years.
Our apprenticeship programmes are very successful. We have excellent industry links and are always seeking dedicated people to become our next apprentices.
The apprenticeship team will work with you to find a suitable employment, or you may find your own. Whilst you are an apprentice, you will be paid a salary. You will also have a trainer assessor, who will ensure that your training fits your requirements, and offers you the skills needed for your chosen career. You’ll be supported every step of the way.
Apprenticeship places are limited, so apply as soon as you can.
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