The study of psychology seeks to understand people both out of curiosity and for numerous applied reasons, ranging from business management to promoting personal wellbeing. Psychology is relevant to everything that humans do and has strong links to other disciplines in the social sciences,
Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behaviour. Inquiries in psychology include how we are influenced by others, why we become the persons that we are, how our brains work, and why people sometimes behave in seemingly unusual or even bizarre ways.
The study of psychology seeks to understand people both out of curiosity and for numerous applied reasons, ranging from business management to promoting personal wellbeing. Psychology is relevant to everything that humans do and has strong links to other disciplines in the social sciences, natural sciences, and humanities.
Psychology at yale-nus
the psychology major at yale-nus is designed both to provide an overview of the discipline as well as to encourage students to delve more deeply into specific aspects of psychology such as human development, social behaviour, how our brains work, and the application of psychology to questions of mental and physical health.
Students in the psychology major will be prepared for doing advanced study in psychology and related disciplines as well as professions in both the public and private sector that are concerned with understanding and managing human behaviour, including social work, health issues, or personnel management in business organisations.
at yale-nus college, we have a group of distinguished faculty members specialising in areas such as cognitive psychology, social psychology, developmental psychology, organisational psychology, and biological psychology.
Several of our faculty members are also active in interdisciplinary research areas such as the relationship between technology (e. G. , social media use) and behaviour, education and mental health, and the role of perception and attentional resources in human-computer interactions.
Psychology careers
psychology majors can be found in a wide array of fields. These include social work, health policy, personnel management, ergonomics, education, clinical practice, technology, and research.
Many of these fields require advanced study, while others include on-the-job training instead. Listed below are just some of the organisations our psychology alumni have joined after graduation:
our graduates have also applied to and gained admission into a variety of graduate programmes, ranging from master’s and phd in psychology, masters in clinical psychology, masters of public health, to doctor of medicine (md) programmes.
Some of the institutions our students have gone on to include:
Requirements for a major in psychology
students in the psychology major will learn about classic findings and major theories, while actively engaged in expanding our understanding of human behaviour through hands-on empirical work. The psychology major is taught through a combination of lectures, seminars, laboratory courses, research attachments, and independent study opportunities.
Major requirements
all psychology majors are required to take 54 or more units within the programme. At least 20 of the 44 course-based units must be taken at yale-nus, and an additional 10 units come from the capstone project. All units counted towards the major must be taken for a letter grade.
Students considering graduate school are strongly advised to take more than the minimum number of courses required for the major. These students should consult with their head of studies or major advisor as early as possible to plan their course of study.
The required courses include:
introduction to psychology (yss2201)
statistics and research methods for psychology (yss2216)
at least one laboratory course
six additional courses (“psychology electives”)
*it is strongly recommended that students take yss2216 in their second year.
**to facilitate better preparation for the capstone project, it is strongly recommended that students take the laboratory course in their second or third year, following completion of yss2216.
yss2201 introduction to psychology provides a general overview of the field of psychology, and it serves as a gateway to more advanced courses in the programme.
Such courses include those concerned with how humans develop as individuals and social beings, the nature of our relationships, how our brains process information, the ways in which behaviour can become disordered, and the techniques that can improve mental health.
Although there are no formal specialisations in the psychology major, students can craft their own areas of concentration while also sampling broadly.
in addition to coursework about theory and practice, the programme provides a foundation in experimental design, analysis, and presentation.
Statistics and research methods for psychology builds on the general principles and approaches from quantitative reasoning, focusing on the specific modes of inquiry for research with human participants. These ideas and methods are then further developed in laboratory courses, where they are applied to specific psychological contexts.
the psychology major culminates in a year-long capstone experience. Students work closely with one or more faculty members within psychology or related disciplines, conducting original research with the goal of adding to our understanding of a specific psychological effect.
Although empirical work is strongly encouraged, other approaches to the capstone will be considered on a case-by-case basis. The capstone in psychology does not include a formal course, but the cohort of majors does meet approximately 4-6 times per semester to present ideas, discuss findings, and troubleshoot challenges.
Requirements for a minor in psychology
students may minor in psychology by taking introduction to psychology, statistics and research methods for psychology, and at least three additional courses in the programme.
Core courses
yss2201 introduction to psychology
this course will introduce students to themselves and others as viewed through the lens of psychology. We will present and explore the scientific study of human (and animal) behaviour, seeking to understand why we think, feel, and act as we do.
The goal is to build a firm foundation for those wishing to major in psychology while simultaneously providing an interesting and revealing elective to those visiting psychology on their way to other disciplines.
yss2216 statistics and research methods for psychology
this course is concerned with research methods and the use of statistics in psychology. As such, this is a skills-oriented course aimed at preparing students for taking the required laboratory course in psychology as well as doing their senior capstone project. We will be covering research methods and statistics simultaneously since they are closely intertwined.
sample laboratory courses
all psychology majors are required to take at least one laboratory course.
yss3252 lab in applying psychology to public policy
in this course, students will explore how psychology can be applied to public policy. As a lab course, students will conduct their own randomised controlled trials requiring them to examine whether psychological concepts (particularly those from decision science and social psychology) can optimise the outcomes of “real-life” projects within the community. Projects will be conducted with government, not-for-profit, and town council agencies within singapore.
yss3279 social psychology lab
this is a skills-based course concerned with research methods in social psychology, a core area of psychology that investigates situational forces affecting human thoughts, feelings, and actions. As such, we will be discussing different types of research done in social psychology and students will be doing projects using those methods.
The course will culminate in students doing research projects and writing up these projects as if for publication. The first portion of the course will be concerned with methods and study proposals, whereas the second portion will be devoted to data collection, analysis, and writing up results.
Sample psychology electives
this is a sampling of some of the psychology electives we offer at yale-nus:
Established in 2011, through a partnership between Yale University and the National University of Singapore, Yale-NUS College is a leading liberal arts and sciences college in Asia, with a residential programme that integrates living and learning.
Drawing on the resources and traditions of its founding universities, a Yale-NUS education promotes broad-based interdisciplinary learning across the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities complemented by depth of expertise in one’s major.
Engagement with Yale
One of the oldest and most storied institutions in North America, Yale University exemplifies the best traditions of liberal arts education and residential college living. As one of our co-founding partners, Yale offers close collaboration with faculty and unparalleled opportunities for students.
Engagement with NUS
Yale-NUS is nestled within the verdant grounds of University Town, a sustainably designed space at Asia’s leading university, the National University of Singapore (NUS). Students benefit from the close-knit community and personalised learning of a small college while enjoying the advantages of being located within a world-class research institution.
A community of learning,
Founded by two great universities,
In Asia, for the world.
Yale-NUS College, a residential college located in Singapore, aims to redefine liberal arts and science education for a complex, interconnected world.
Founded by two great universities
An intimate liberal arts college, dedicated to undergraduate education, Yale-NUS draws on the resources and traditions of two great universities. We pursue excellence through innovative teaching and research, and we provide global opportunities for our students.
In Asia
Our location at the crossroads of Asia informs our pedagogy. Drawing on active modes of learning associated with American liberal arts education, we introduce our students to the diverse intellectual traditions and cultures of Asia and the world.
For the world
We educate citizens of the world and uphold the principles of free exchange of ideas, pluralism, and respect for diversity. Our extra-curricular and residential programmes support student learning and encourage an ethic of service. By our example, we seek to spur innovation in higher education across the globe.
Who We Are
At Yale-NUS, we seek to inspire innovation in higher education across the globe. Through open inquiry and scholarly exploration, we delve into enduring disciplinary concerns and develop creative interdisciplinary approaches to problem solving. As a community, we aim to provide every member with a transformative experience by encouraging habits of the mind (such as creativity, curiosity and critical thinking) and character (integrity, professionalism and ethic of service).
Central to the transformation process is our engagement with diverse modes of enquiry and a commitment to challenge our assumptions.
Our Values and Commitments
We strive to be a centre for quality scholarship and continual learning that makes a positive difference in the world.
We are firmly committed to open inquiry and academic freedom.
We are committed to providing a challenging yet supportive learning and working environment for all community members.
We are committed to diversity and celebrate our differences and our unique perspectives.
We are committed to caring for ourselves, our community and the environment.
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