This Advance Excel training program is highly specialized with the duration of 16 Credit hours, where this Advance Excel training covers all the major areas of Financial Formulas, excel reporting, Advance Excel with Financial Formulas.
This Advance Excel training program is highly specialized with the duration of 16 Credit hours, where this Advance Excel training covers all the major areas of Financial Formulas, excel reporting, Advance Excel with Financial Formulas, Pivot Table, HLookup, Vlookup, what if Analysis functions, financial modelling with excel, Advance excel with statistical formulas, etc.
Learning is the new kind of labor. It’s no longer a separate activity that occurs either before one enters the workplace or in remote classroom settings learning is the heart of productive activity.
The most successful organization of the new century will be something called a learning organization. Learning organization is one that recognizes the importance of the people within it, supports their full development and creates a context in which they can learn.
In today’s fast moving, highly competitive and dynamic environment each firm and individual has exciting prospects for growth and prosperity provided that:
The staff in the company is well equipped with necessary training and skills.
The firm can get the right information at the right time.
The firm can identify and exploit the opportunities.
The firm can utilize and further strengthen its strengths
The firm can avoid threats and
The firm can minimize or eliminate its weaknesses.
That’s where 3D EDUCATORS – the dynamic team of TRAINERS and CONSULTANTS can make the difference. This dynamic state has given birth to a new breed of company – 3D EDUCATORS - TRAINERS & CONSULTANTS the team of specialists, who can analyze, create, and prescribe a cure for the ailments affecting your business.
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