Start creating motion graphics and animations using professional techniques. Learn to create animations, titles, 3D objects, and much more. Learn through hands-on real world project, with step-by-step exercises, in small classes led by a leading motion graphics instructor.
Start creating motion graphics and animations using professional techniques. Learn to create animations, titles, 3D objects, and much more. Learn through hands-on real world project, with step-by-step exercises, in small classes led by a leading motion graphics instructor.
This After Effects training will take you from the basics (such as understanding the workspace and foundational animation techniques), through more advanced animation techniques such as motion tracking and animating 3D layers.
Established in 1998, NYIM Training is the premier destination for personal career growth and corporate training in New York. Discover our results-driven courses and certificate programs in data analytics, finance, design, and programming. Take the first steps to advance your career at NYIM today.
Adobe After Effects is a digital special effects, motion graphics, and compositing application used in the post-production process of filmmaking and television production.
This three-day course is for anyone who wants to create compelling motion graphics and awesome visual effects. Industry experts demonstrate professional workflows and provide hands on instruction with practical exercises designed to educate and inspire you.
After Effects is the industry standard for motion graphics and visual effects. Used by motion designers, graphics designers, and video editors, create sophisticated motion graphics and visually compelling video.
Using Adobe After Effects, learn to produce projects similar to those found in the real entertainment media world of digital effects and animation. Topics include an introduction to the interface, working with layers and masking, rotoscoping, motion graphics, tracking and stabilizing with Mocha
Learn After Effects to create stand-alone videos, animations, special effects, animated titles, and more in this hands-on course.
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