Our after school sessions are for those teens (13+) who want their own style, or who are bored with hand sewing and want to extend their skills.
Our after school sessions are for those teens (13+) who want their own style, or who are bored with hand sewing and want to extend their skills.
The sessions are small, no more than 6 participants per facilitator and provide a great opportunity for the participants to get extra quality time with the experienced sewist. They learn valuable life skills and of course a sense of accomplishment from each completed project.
The sessions are practical workshops, where they learn quick and easy techniques. Classes run during the school term, which averages 9 weeks; this varies depending on the length of the term. If your teen misses a class invoiced amount is unchanged and non refundable.
We aim to provide each student with personalised attention to equip them with the skills and practical experience in the process from concept to design and execution. Personalised attention to individual students in the small tutor to student ratio is vital to the philosophy of the Academy
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