Money laundering is a clear and present danger that globally continues to pose a significant threat to governments, financial institutions, and businesses alike.
Money laundering is a clear and present danger that globally continues to pose a significant threat to governments, financial institutions, and businesses alike. As a result, financial institutions, banks, and corporations across the globe are required to set in place a BSA/AML Compliance Program.
An Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Program for any corporation or financial institution states all the efforts and steps taken by them in order to keep in line with regulatory AML policies in their legislative and legal environment (state, national, and international AML laws). An AML Compliance Program is aimed at keeping in check illicit financial activities, such as: fraud, money laundering, and terrorist financing.
The governance and success of this program rests responsible upon the Compliance team. In the Anti Money Laundering world of compliance, these personnel are referred to as the second line of defence, the “behind-the-scenes-operators”, these folks develop policies and procedures, devise templates, reports, tuning mechanism, customer questionnaires and requirements, alongside the technologies necessary to streamline KYC and AML processes.
Course Objectives:
After completing this course, the Compliance team and compliance representatives from each department will learn all facets of running a good AML Compliance Program that includes:
Global economics proves to us on a daily basis the organisational need for ‘fore-most’ and ‘leading’ talent in order to succeed in increasingly complex and competitive global markets. In order to achieve the ‘best’ possible result for organizations, developing the right talent is as much a necessity as hiring and retaining employees.
ZOE Talent Solutions is a global training and consulting firm that has been serving leading businesses in many countries. We specialise in capacity building and talent development solutions for individuals and organisations, through our highly customised courses and training sessions, in a wide array of disciplines.
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