The principal aims and objectives of the BA Economics programme at St. Teresa’s College are: to provide students a well founded education in Economics, to provide and adapt curricula that prepare our graduates for employment and further study as economists, to provide the students with the opportuni
The principal aims and objectives of the BA Economics programme at St. Teresa’s College are: to provide students a well founded education in Economics, to provide and adapt curricula that prepare our graduates for employment and further study as economists, to provide the students with the opportunity to pursue courses that emphasise quantitative and theoretical aspects of Economics, to provide students with the opportunity to focus on applied and policy issues in Economics, to provide programmes that allow the students to choose from a wide range of economic specialisms, to provide a well resourced learning environment for Economics.
The BA Economics Degree course in Economics (Main) and Economics as a subsidiary paper, started in the year 1937. “Economics places a key role in all aspects of life and is an important subject worth knowing more about.”
The UG programme in Economics includes
No course shall carry more than 4 credits. The core papers offered for BA Economics Semester I Methodology of Social Sciences with Special Reference to Economics subsidiary paper-Mathematics/Sociology Semester II Development and Environmental Economics subsidiary paper-Mathematics/Sociology Semester III Principles of Micro Economics Modern Banking Logic Semester IV Micro Economic Analysis Public Economics Logic Semester V Quantitative Techniques for Economic Analysis Principles of Macro Economics Indian Economy Economics of Financial Markets Open course Semester VI Quantitative Techniques for Economic Analysis Macro Economic Analysis Development Issues of the Indian Economy International Economics Choice based course-Econometric methods Project
A Modest Beginning
St.Teresa’s College, a pioneering institution in the field of Higher Education in India, was established on 15th June in the year 1925, as the first Women’s College of the erstwhile Cochin State and the second in the whole of Kerala by the Congregation of the Carmelite Sisters of St.Teresa.
The College started with Sr.Beatrice as its first Principal and Mother Veronica as the first Manager and a student strength of just 41.
While high academic standards were maintained in the college from the very start, students were also taught the value and dignity of labour, good social relationship and above all, lasting spiritual values.
College was a second grade Arts College affiliated to the Madras University and offered the Intermediate Course with Ancient History, Modern History and Logic under Part lll.
Pioneering the democratization of University Education
During World War ll, the College buildings were commandeered by the Army and converted into a military hospital and was reoccupied by the College only by 1946.
With the dawn of Independence of the country in 1947, there was tremendous rise in the enrollment in our institutions of higher education; and St. Teresa’s College generously took its share in the process of democratization of University education.
The growth of the institution during the post independence era was tremendous both in quality and quantity
Spreading Wings in the Home Ground
In the beginning of the academic year 1957-58, the affiliation of the college was transferred from Madras University to the Travancore University, which was renamed in August 1957 as Kerala University.
The College has always been rendering help to deserving and financially handicapped students and towards this end the Students Aid Fund was started in the year 1959, which still continues.
Branching out
National Service Scheme was introduced in 1969. A book bank was introduced in 1971 with UGC assistance for the benefit of financially backward students. It has not been all work and no play for the Teresians.
St. Teresa’s College formed the first women’s basketball team in the University and the State in 1961.
Awards and Recognitions
A Sports Hostel came into existence in 1986. When the Principal Sr. Marie Cecile retired in February 1986, Sr. Emeline became the new Principal. Women’s Cell was organized in the college in 1991.
The AWARD ERA of St. Teresa’s College started in 1994, when the College received the prestigious and highly coveted first R. SANKAR AWARD instituted by the Government of Kerala given to the Best College of the State for all-round excellence.
The college was awarded the R SANKAR AWARD three times after that for the Best Non-Special Grade Private College in the years1995, 1998 and 2000.St.Teresa’s College celebrated its Platinum Jubilee on 4th December 2000.
In the pursuit of excellence there have been many creditable achievements the latest being that it has been raised to the status of “FIVE STARS” in 1999 by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council [NAAC], Bangalore.
St. Teresa’s College was conferred Autonomous status on 13th June 2014. The college has the distinction of being accredited thrice by NAAC with A grade. Its on its 4th cycle and has got an extension of 2 years till April 2019.
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