Our baby massage course offers much more that just the practical strokes of how to massage your baby. Each weekly session covers the massage strokes as well as time for a chat with a hot drink and homemade cake.
Our baby massage course offers much more that just the practical strokes of how to massage your baby. Each weekly session covers the massage strokes as well as time for a chat with a hot drink and homemade cake. This time is for Mums and Dads to share ideas and experiences (if they choose to) and ask questions to the group and the instructor.
The usual things that parents want to talk about are: sleeping, feeding, feelings and emotions, demands of becoming a parent, crying and not being able to put their baby down and many more
Classes are baby-led, meaning that we take our cues from the infants and adapt according to their needs.
My mission is to nurture, help and educate new mums and dads to become confident parents, with a community around them, so that they can ‘grow’ secure, happy, confident children.
Who will become happy, confident adults, who can put their minds to whatever they want to, create opportunities, and can find their place in the world with self-assurance.
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