
by Tutors and Exams Claim Listing

Bengali Language is offered by Tutors and Exams. Tutors & Exams have specialised in Language assessments since its inception. We understand the difficulty many private candidates encounter in finding a suitable examination venue exam centre that can accommodate the Speaking component of language.

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Bengali Language is offered by Tutors and Exams. Tutors & Exams have specialised in Language assessments since its inception. We understand the difficulty many private candidates encounter in finding a suitable examination venue exam centre that can accommodate the Speaking component of language assessments.

Please be aware that language assessments are usually carried out during April and May and need to be conducted within your local Tutors & Exams centre. Unfortunately, you cannot choose the date for assessment as it will depend on tutor availability on the day.

  • Coventry Branch

    8 Mercia Business Village Torwood Close, Coventry

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Bengali is spoken by more than 210 million people as a first or second language. It is usually ranked about seventh in the world in terms of number of people who speak it as a first language.

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Bengali Language Courses

Bengali is one of the world’s most widely spoken languages and is native to the area known as Bengal, comprising present-day Bangladesh and parts of India.

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