Find yourself short of cash before each payday? Want to start putting some good savings habits in place for the future but not sure how or where to start? Run by a certified financial planner, this one-night session will offer practical strategies to help you manage your cash flow.
Find yourself short of cash before each payday? Want to start putting some good savings habits in place for the future but not sure how or where to start? Run by a certified financial planner, this one-night session will offer practical strategies to help you manage your cash flow.
You'll also learn how you can handle personal debt and navigate your way to better financial security through clever short, medium, and long-term planning.
CIT Solutions provide innovative training programs that empower learners to unleash their potential and to adapt to our quickly changing world, helping over 5,000 learners annually to achieve government related qualifications and targeted skills development.
You can trust our work. CIT Solutions is a wholly owned subsidiary of CIT – one of the longest standing Technical and Further Education (TAFE) institutions in Australia, with a proud 93-year history. Combining this history and reliability with our agility and commercial responsiveness, we create an offering that is stable, sustainable, and substantial in its scope, whilst also innovative and client focused.
We bring our experience, our people and our resources in giving your staff work-ready skills for measurable impact.
Intermediate and Senior Assistant Accountant/Accountant (AAA practical class) is designed to lay the foundation in advance for students who want to find Assistant Accountant & Accountant positions in medium and large companies and provide the best shortcuts.
Project Managers have a duty of care to manage their project’s finances in a prudent and transparent manner as the company’s assets are at stake. It is therefore the responsibility of a project manager to ensure sound financial management and forecasting of project outcomes over the life of the...
This subject provides a practical understanding of corporate financial management, portfolio management and the tools of financial decision-making and covers financial mathematics, investment and financing decisions, introduction to portfolio theory, the capital asset pricing model
Making Sense of your Profit and Loss course is offered by Skills Strategies International Pty Ltd (SSI). Skills Strategies International is committed to achieving best practice in the provision of vocational education and training.
Financial Literacy Education (CHCSS00077) is a vocational skill set that underpins work undertaken in roles associated with financial capability and financial literacy.
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