As a Controller, you are expected to be the financial expert in your organization. You are relied upon to produce, analyze and interpret the financial data that will be used by the executive team to make key financial decisions.
As a Controller, you are expected to be the financial expert in your organization. You are relied upon to produce, analyze and interpret the financial data that will be used by the executive team to make key financial decisions. To excel, you must continuously demonstrate leading edge knowledge and keen business acumen.
The Controller’s Operational Skills Program is designed to enhance your role on the management team by sharpening your skills in risk management and controls, ethical leadership, planning, budgeting and forecasting, performance measurement approaches and financial reporting.
You will explore ways to maximize the effectiveness of your accounting department through staffing and structure, policies and procedures, and process and quality management.
You will gain insights into performance enablers for success, with a focus on information management and human resources management, and an eye towards trends in Controllership.
This is an in-residence program, and although not mandatory, participants are strongly encouraged to stay on-site. The program cost includes course materials and some meals. The accommodation costs are separate, and will be paid directly to the hotel. See the section below on Accommodation for more information.
Program Content:
Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) is the Canadian business and accounting designation representing more than 200,000 professional accountants across the country. As part of the CPA profession in Canada, CPA Alberta is the professional organization for more than 30,000 designated accountants across the province.
Entrepreneurs are often driven by ideas; but businesses are driven by processes. This course will help you blend the two to optimize the management of daily operations to increase your chances for success.
OperÂaÂtions manÂageÂment involves the design, planÂning, direcÂtion and conÂtrol of the facilÂiÂties, processÂes, mateÂriÂals, enerÂgy and peoÂple used in proÂducÂing an orgaÂniÂzaÂtion’s prodÂucts, or serÂvices. Every indusÂtry and orgaÂniÂzaÂtion uses operÂaÂtions ma...
Learn to integrate people, places, process and technology to ensure functionality of a built environment.
Operations Management is a vital role in every organization. Describe how operations management relates to other functions of an organization. Describe the scope of Operations Management and decision making. Describe the concepts of competitiveness and strategic planning.
In this course, you will explore the basic and essential aspects of this field of study at the tactical level.
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