Being trained in Emotional Intelligence will allow you and your colleagues to be fully confident in your ability to properly interpret and administer TEIQue tests and reports. Our accreditation courses ensure you are provided with the most relevant and up to date information surrounding this assessm
Are you looking to learn more, or become certified in using Trait Emotional Intelligence (TEIQue) assessments? Backed by extensive knowledge and decades of experience, our trainers will guide you towards effectively integrating Emotional Intelligence assessments into your own business to achieve success.
Why Get Trained In TEIQue?
Being trained in Emotional Intelligence will allow you and your colleagues to be fully confident in your ability to properly interpret and administer TEIQue tests and reports. Our accreditation courses ensure you are provided with the most relevant and up to date information surrounding this assessment so you can comfortably utilise it to the best effect.
What You Get From The Workshop
Your own TEIQue report.
TEIQue training manual and learning materials.
Gain access to TEIQue on the InterACT platform and send out TEIQue assessments to potential candidates.
9 hour online or face-to-face TEIQue training course led by a highly knowledgeable trainer.
Certificate of completion and gain the knowledge to effectively apply and provide feedback on TEIQue assessments in the workplace.
InterACT-Global - A Leading Psychometric Company
InterACT-Global is a supplier of psychometric people assessments, which enable our clients to convert the performance of their people, to make an immediate improvement to their business.
Why Choose InterACT Global?
Psychometric Solutions Tailored to Your Needs
As a psychometric company, our suite of assessments provides powerful insights, with industry and psychologically proven results – all on one easy-to-use platform.
Our assessments include DISC, EQ, Work From Home, Work Values and the Combination Matrix.
InterACT’s point of difference is that our reports are short and easy to understand. You’ll also be supported wherever your company operates in the world through our network of partners.
The SEC is one region out of five in the UK and Ireland, with our national headquarters titled the British Union Conference (BUC). The BUC look after all five regions giving departmental and financial support.
“Emotional Intelligence predicts people’s ability to regulate themselves, manage other people and achieve success. Research shows a link between Emotional Intelligence and career success.
Emotional intelligence, or EQ, is the ability to identify and manage emotions. It refers to an individual’s capacity to perceive and express themself as well as positively interact with others.
Emotional Intelligence (EI) skills form part of an essential Leadership skillset including relationship management, conflict handling, building resilience, increasing engagement and team building.
what it is, its impact and application in an organisational setting. An over view of the main dimensions of the profile, what they mean, etc.
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