Being an Ethical Hacker you will be able to Penetrate using the Vulnerability of the target systems. Due to much demand CEH holders are placed in the IT Industry to protect the company from Cyber criminals. To become a professional ethical hacker you need to make up yourselves with good focused.
Being an Ethical Hacker you will be able to Penetrate using the Vulnerability of the target systems. Due to much demand CEH holders are placed in the IT Industry to protect the company from Cyber criminals. To become a professional ethical hacker you need to make up yourselves with good focused training.
Major topics are Basic terminology: white hat, gray hat, black hat- SQL injections, VPN, proxy, VPS and keyloggers, DoS attack, reverse shell, Aircrack-ng & reaver installation, Attacking wireless networks cracking WPA/WPA2, Virtual private network, Using known vulnerabilities, Cracking WPS pins with reaver.
Micireds Network Technologies founded in 2006 by Mr.Shanmuga Sundaram with a vision to enable individuals realize their potential and make their dreams come true in computer networking skills.
In the past 10 years we have established a name in Cisco, Linux, Virtualization, Security and storage certifications. Micireds Network technologies signature style of functioning involves persistent efforts towards to provide effective mentoring for CSE, ECE, IT and EEE engineering students.
The study materials at Micireds Network Technologies is continously updated to the contemporary industrial training.
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