Customized 1-on-1 tutoring sessions. Don’t waste time & money in class. Learn only what you need for your specific projects, and nothing more!
Excel is the most widely used tool for building financial models, since it allows you to easily express the relationships between various variables through formulas that relate cells. Financial models are a simplified representation of the behavior of financial assets, investment portfolios, investment projects and investments in general.
Our availability is flexible. We teach remotely, so you can learn from the comfort of your home, from the jobsite, or from the beach! We teach classes via Zoom screenshare, so we can see each others’ screens and cursors. It can take hours to search online for 1 simple piece of information, but just minutes to ask your private tutor.
We are a team of tutors and freelances that are hire-able on an as-needed basis for professional help with your projects. Call us with a quick question, or a big project. Our availability is flexible. We have a variety of skillsets and prices.
Learn to create spreadsheets, formulas, formatting values and ranges, drawing functions, data sorting, the creation and use of templates and working with graphics. This course maps to the MS Excel Office Specialist Core Exam. Latest version of software available.
In this course, you'll learn how to use Word on the desktop to create and edit simple documents; format documents; add tables and lists; add design elements and layout options; and proof documents.
Businesses, organizations and individuals worldwide use the Microsoft Access database management system to track multiple, inter-related sets of data, organize the data in tables, and generate reports to analyze the data.
This 2-day course covers the basic skills and concepts students need to use Microsoft Access productively and efficiently. Data is everywhere. Most job roles today involve some form of data management.
Microsoft PowerPoint is the leading software for developing presentations and print documents with text and diagrams. Our hands-on PowerPoint classes have been crafted to help you build proficiency and provide you with the experience and understanding necessary to develop persuasive
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