Fire Extinguishers

by AP Fire Protection Claim Listing

We offer training classes for companies that are interested in teaching their employees how to properly use fire extinguishers. We can offer this at your facility where we can set up a burn pan with a live fire to practice on.

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Course Details

A P Fire Protection will provide a 13-point inspection to your Fire Extinguishers. This includes checking gauges, lubricating the handles and nozzles, and weighing the extinguisher itself.

Some other services we provide are: Recharging, 6-Year Maintenance, and 12-year Hydrostatic Testing per NFPA 10 Standard. We also provide all types of Fire Extinguishers for purchase.


There are several different fire classifications:
There are four different classifications of fires. Type A fires include wood, paper, or anything that would leave ash. Type B fires include flammable liquids. Type C fires are electrical fires. Type D fires are flammable metals.


You can remember the proper way to use a fire extinguisher with the acronym PASS. This stands for Pull, Aim, Squeeze, and Sweep. You will pull the pin on the extinguisher, aim the hose towards the base of the fire, squeeze the handle, then sweep from side to side at the base of the fire.


Training Classes:
We offer training classes for companies that are interested in teaching their employees how to properly use fire extinguishers. We can offer this at your facility where we can set up a burn pan with a live fire to practice on. We provide the fire extinguishers to use, training materials and issue certificates at the end of the class.

  • Glendale Branch

    7612 N 71st Ave, Glendale, Phoenix, AZ

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