Fundamental Certificate in Islamic Banking and Takaful (FCIBT) is designed to ensure that industry practitioners have attained minimum standard and quality in terms of knowledge and competencies in Islamic Finance.
Fundamental Certificate in Islamic Banking and Takaful (FCIBT) is designed to ensure that industry practitioners have attained minimum standard and quality in terms of knowledge and competencies in Islamic Finance.
FCIBT consists of three (3) modules namely Fundamentals of Shariah, Fundamentals of Islamic Banking and Fundamentals of Takaful. FCIBT has obtained Full Accreditation status by the Finance Accreditation Agency (FAA).
Learning Outcomes:
IBFIM is a lifelong learning institution which specialises in industry technical certifications. The certifications are designed to ensure attainment of technical proficiency levels to fulfil jobs requirement and support professionalisation of the industry.
IBFIM key programmes are developed based on IBFIM Qualifications Framework and are accorded Full Accreditation by the Finance Accreditation Agency to maintain the quality and provide progressive career route for the certificate holders.
IBFIM learning modules are customisable to fulfil the specific needs of the clients within the Islamic financial institutions specifically as well as other sectors engaging in Islamic finance.
IBFIM also offer joint-programmes with relevant industry professional bodies and collaborate with academic institutions in its effort to prepare talent for the industry.IBFIM programmes are delivered via classroom and online learning.
IBFIM’s Islamic finance publications and advisory services are also available in supporting the industry’s talent development initiative.
To be the global reference centre for Islamic finance
Drive industry-relevant learning experience through innovative approaches to develop knowledge, enhance skills and facilitate the growth of global talent for Islamic finance.
Corporate Objectives:
Embed Islamic finance values and principles into practices
Global Islamic finance platform for knowledge acquisition
Preferred knowledge partner for the development of Islamic finance globally
Lead industry talent development initiatives
This training programme is to provide an overview of the Integrated Islamic Banking Sytem core modules. Each of the modules and functions are compliant with the Islamic financial institution regulations.
Essential Principles of work in Islamic Banks course is offered by AMC (Asia Masters Center). From the training side, AMC have the ability to study and understand the market demand, put a plan and training solution fit the organization’s need to solve an administrative and financial issues.
Certificate in Islamic Banking and Finance for Legal Practitioners course is offered by IIUM Institute of Islamic Banking & Finance (IIiBF). IIiBF aims towards educating and producing competent graduates and scholars knowledgeable in Shariah and related modern disciplines.
Diploma in Islamic Finance aims to provide a better understanding about concept & application of finance & banking fields according to Islamic principles. Hence, enabling students to make comparisons with the conventional principles.
This course has been designed to enable the students to understand and explain the philosophy, principles and operations of Islamic finance including Islamic banking and Islamic financial instruments and how they are different from the conventional banking and financial system.
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