South Africa’s labour legislation is among the most progressive in the world, providing for institutions to settle disputes and ensure fairness in the workplace. The aim of this course is to develop in students a thorough understanding of labour legislation, human rights and labour practices in Sout
South Africa’s labour legislation is among the most progressive in the world, providing for institutions to settle disputes and ensure fairness in the workplace. The aim of this course is to develop in students a thorough understanding of labour legislation, human rights and labour practices in South Africa.
Students will also be introduced to the human resource policies and procedures which include recruitment and selection, retention and performance management. Furthermore, students will gain insight into key business regulation elements such as career management, compensation management, and health and safety.
SACOB Short Courses are not accredited and are intended to offer you knowledge and skills in a particular field and is a non-credit bearing short course.
An introduction to human resource management
Recruiting potential employees
Selection and appointment of an employee
Placement and the induction or orientation process
Managing performance of employees
Compensation management
Health and safety in an organisation
Employment relations
Structures created by the LRA for collective
SACOB – the South African College of Business is a specialist business college offering professional qualifications and short courses to people wanting to embark on or revitalise their careers, by building and enhancing their business skills and knowledge. Our fields of study include Administration, Bookkeeping, Accounting, Business Management, Chartered Secretary, Entrepreneurship, Financial Analysis, Pastel, Tourism & Hospitality and Short Courses.
Our goal is to offer a learning experience that supports a student from start to successful completion of their course (s).
We achieve this by combining the benefits of distance learning and face-to-face education to bring you a specialized educational journey. We provide traditional education, through modern delivery.
As a student of SACOB you can expect interactivity, support, flexibility and cost-efficiency during your studies.
Traditional education, Modern delivery.
What makes our offering unique is that we overcome the challenges of distance learning by combining the interactivity and connection of face-to-face education with the flexibility and cost-saving of distance education.
Our hands-on approach is delivering results and that is what matters the most. Our students consistently rank in the Top 10 in professional body assessments. With online chat facilities, same day lecturer response, question and answer platforms, student support and career guidance from a dedicated student advisor, SACOB brings distance learning closer than ever.
The Human Resource function focuses on staff development, staff policies and procedures and staff wellness programmes to provide a comfortable and happy environment.
Change Management workshop is offered by Elogin Business Institute for all skill levels. E-Login Business Institute offers next generation education in the field of business and management.
This hands-on course offers participants an in-depth insight into the complexities of payroll reconciliation, covering all aspects from processing fixed and variable inputs to detecting and preventing fraud.
Payroll (Preparation, Analysis and Management) course is offered by SATHU (Southern Africa Training Hub). SATHU has developed its own unique brand of innovative corporate training.
Diploma in Human Resource Management Course is Offered by Boston City Campus.
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