JavaScript course is offered by SIAT (Smart Institute Of Advanced Technology). 'SIAT' here plays the vital role of such a knowledge center. 'SIAT' is place where detailed training and skill development Courses are provided in IT, NON IT, and Automation fields.
JavaScript course is offered by SIAT (Smart Institute Of Advanced Technology). 'SIAT' here plays the vital role of such a knowledge center. 'SIAT' is place where detailed training and skill development Courses are provided in IT, NON IT, and Automation fields. 'SIAT' not only nurtures your technical/non-technical knowledge but also helps you in personality development, interview skills, etc.
This training will definitely broaden your knowledge scope, give you the confidence to work in any type of industry, help you get your job, and help in fulfilling your dreams. Dear Students, learning is a continuous process, if you really want to succeed in life you have to keep yourselves updated with the latest technology trends.
An ISO 9001: 2015 Certified and MSME ( Govt. of India) registered institute SIAT - ‘Smart Institute Of Advanced Technology’ is a sister concern of our already established company 'Realtech Scientronix Systems' since year 2006.
Realtech Scientronix Systems is into trading of Process Testing and Measuring Instruments, Electrical Switchgears and accessories and deals in Industrial Automation also. Since the inception of Realtech Scientronix Systems, we feel that there is gap between student's technical knowledge after passing out from their colleges and what industries are demanding as far as IT , NON IT and Automation fields are concerned.
So, to bridge this huge gap thought came to start some institute or knowledge center which can dedicatedly involved in serving aspirants to upgrade their technical and non technical know-how in best possible practical way to help them to prepare themselves as per requirement of IT and Process industries.
'SIAT' (Smart Institute of Advance Technology) here plays vital role of such knowledge centre. 'SIAT' is place where detailed training and skill development Courses are provided in IT , NON IT and Automation fields. 'SIAT' not only nurture your technical / non technical knowledge but also help you in personality development, interview skills etc.
At our training centre , SIAT, we are committed to train students of Engineering, polytechnics, ITI’s , Graduation(B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., BBA etc.) and Industrial professionals to get accustomed with advanced technologies that are being used in industries presently . We have well equipped Computer Labs with required softwares for IT and Non IT training courses and Automation Labs having latest brands and models of PLC, SCADA, VFDs etc. that are currently in use in various industries . We train our students in same environment as what these sectors required. In Automation you learn the basics to advance details about PLC, SCADA and other components, you will be trained for programming of PLC, SCADA, HMI, VFD’s alongwith latest field instruments used in Process industries .
These training will definitely broaden your knowledge scope , gives you confidence to work with any type of industries, helps in getting your job , helps in fulfilling your dreams. Dear Students, learning is continuous process , if you really want to succeed in life you have to keep yourselves updated with latest technology trend.
You might have also heard a well known saying “ROME CAN NOT BE BUILT IN A DAY”, So dear students , step forward everyday with lots of hope , enthusiasm, confidence with dream in your eyes. We assure you that with our dedicated support and training , you will be able to achieve your goals very soon.
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