The Master of Hospital Administration programme (MHA-Hospital) aims to develop a cadre of professional managers for the rapidly growing hospital sector.
The Master of Hospital Administration programme (MHA-Hospital) aims to develop a cadre of professional managers for the rapidly growing hospital sector. As hospitals become an increasingly complex technical environment employing people with widely divergent skills, the need to manage them efficiently without any compromise to the humane and caring environment that the sick need, brings forth the need for a new type of health professional- the hospital manager.
The MHA (Hospital) programme prepares students for leadership roles in the hospital sector through training in planning, operational and project management of hospitals including orientation in the managerial aspects of clinical and support services.
The programme also imparts training in managing financial, material and information systems in hospital settings and builds the perspectives, attitudes and skills needed for managing people.
The MHA (Hospital) Degree is designed to be completed in 4 semesters spanning two years; but has a provision to complete over a maximum period of 5 years from the date of registration.
Students of the MHA (Hospital) programme find jobs to manage a variety of specialised services in hospitals, both in the private and in government sectors. Their job description includes managing various departments of large hospitals as well as planning and designing new services and new hospitals.
In the past, students have found employment in leading corporate- and trust-run hospitals all over the country. Of late, there are also job opportunities arising in hospital consultancy firms, health care IT industry, and the health insurance sector.
The tata institute of social sciences (tiss) was established in 1936 as the sir dorabji tata graduate school of social work. In 1944, it was renamed as the tata institute of social sciences.
The year 1964 was an important landmark in the history of the institute, when it was declared deemed to be a university under section 3 of the university grants commission act (ugc), 1956.
since its inception.
Vision of the tiss has been to be an institution of excellence in higher education that continually responds to changing social realities through the development and application of knowledge, towards creating a people-centred, ecologically sustainable and just society that promotes and protects dignity, equality, social justice and human rights for all.
In pursuance of its vision and guiding principles, the tata institute of social sciences organises teaching programmes to facilitate the development of competent and committed professionals for practice, research and teaching; undertakes research; develops and disseminates knowledge; and reaches out to the larger community through extension, at the local, national, regional and international levels.
Creation and provision of socially relevant and high quality professional education in a wide range of inter-disciplinary areas of social sciences to a larger number of students from all sections of the society in the country.
Facilitation of autonomous research and dissemination of knowledge.
Support knowledge creation through strong m. Phil. And ph. D. Programmes and post-doctoral scholars.
Strategic extension, field action and advocacy through training and capacity building of state and non-state institutions and personnel.
Initiate field action and advocacy to demonstrate and facilitate creation of policies and programmes.
Professional response to natural and human-made disasters, through participation in relief and rehabilitation activities.
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