Managing money is a task people find tough, terrifying or terribly boring, if not all three! You can now learn this crucial life-skill through a the 60-day WealthyMe course and swap money stress for confidence using our proven process.
Managing money is a task people find tough, terrifying or terribly boring, if not all three! You can now learn this crucial life-skill through a the 60-day WealthyMe course and swap money stress for confidence using our proven process.
By joining this online course, learners will be empowered to regain control of their cashflow, get out of debt, beat the system and own their freedom using videos, case studies and learner stories.
At iLearn, our purpose is to empower people to empower others.
We aim to help companies grow their people and their businesses by creating ‘active learning' environments in which people learn through supportive experiences and not simply lecturing. This type of learning promotes wellbeing, inspires confidence and effects meaningful and long-lasting change.
Our 21 years in skills development has given us the ability to streamline solutions, saving our clients time and providing complete peace of mind.
Our facilitators are hand-picked based on teaching style, experience and expertise. They will expertly guide you through each learning experience. If you are looking for a company who wants to invest in your people and your future, then you have come to the right place.
Asset Management in the Public Service course is offered by SADI (Southern Africa development Institute). SADI provides extensive and highly focused in-service training. In-service training is the process of staff development.
Investment Analysis and Evaluation course is offered by Africa Empowerment Training Institute. Africa Empowerment Training Institute (AETI) is an international training, skills development and consultancy institution that was established to empower organizations in Africa.
Asset Management course is offered by Integrated Corporate Skills Solutions. Our Training and Development unit focuses on offering human resource skills training and development interventions in Strategic, Tactical, Operational, HR and Compliance areas.
The course will provide learners with enough knowledge to be familiar with an investor’s risk analysis, the various investment instruments available and the selection of an appropriate investment solution for the client.
Asset Management course is offered by Mrwebi Auditors & Accountants. Our training programs are designed to ensure that directors, management, officials, political office bearers and staff members alike are strategically equipped with the knowledge they require in their field of practice.
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