Our tuition-free Office Administration training program offers all the skills and coaching you need to jumpstart your administrative career in multiple high-demand industries. Office Admin Solutions is a blended model of both in-person and virtual instruction, with hands-on training in general offic
Our tuition-free Office Administration training program offers all the skills and coaching you need to jumpstart your administrative career in multiple high-demand industries. Office Admin Solutions is a blended model of both in-person and virtual instruction, with hands-on training in general office administration, customer service and digital skills.
STRIVE graduates receive personalized support through a Career Coach, and upon graduation receive lifetime access to our employer network and STRIVE’s support services.
General Office Administration; Customer Service Specialist; Digital Skills for the Office; Microsoft Word and Excel Certificate of Completion.
STRIVE is a national leader in helping people with the biggest barriers to employment obtain the training and support they need to find meaningful careers and achieve upward mobility.
We provide a pathway to life-changing careers and opportunities through comprehensive professional training, intensive personal support, and self-empowerment for those who face societal barriers to advancement.
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