This Oracle SQL 12 c Certification Course will help you understand the advanced features of SQL. Learning these features will help you query and manipulate data within the database.
This Oracle SQL 12 c Certification Course will help you understand the advanced features of SQL. Learning these features will help you query and manipulate data within the database. Using the dictionary views to retrieve metadata and create reports about their schema objects will be made possible through Oracle SQL12 c Certification.
Some of the date-time functions available in the Oracle Database are also covered. This Oracle SQL 12 c Training program also discusses how to use the regular expression support in SQL through expert instruction.
Course Topics:
Vinsys is a globally recognized provider of a wide array of professional services designed to meet the diverse needs of organizations across the globe. We specialize in Technical & Business Training, IT Development & Software Solutions, Foreign Language Services, Digital Learning, Resourcing & Recruitment, and Consulting.
Our unwavering commitment to excellence is evident through our ISO 9001, 27001, and CMMIDEV/3 certifications, which validate our exceptional standards. With a successful track record spanning over two decades, we have effectively served more than 4,000 organizations across the globe.
Presently, our operations extend across India, Gulf countries, and the USA, enabling us to partner with and assist 50% of Fortune 500 companies in attaining their goals and elevating their performance. Our Technical & Business Training programs enhance learners’ skills and foster professional growth.
We offer diverse courses in IT, Project Management, Cybersecurity, and more. Our experienced trainers provide up-to-date knowledge and practical insights through highly-advanced cloud labs. In IT Development & Software Solutions, we deliver innovative solutions using cutting-edge technologies. From custom software development to enterprise application integration, we streamline operations and drive growth. Effective communication is crucial in an interconnected world.
Our Foreign Language Services bridge linguistic gaps for organizations. We offer translation, interpretation, localization, and cultural training in multiple languages, fostering international collaboration.
Recognizing the transformative power of digital learning, our offerings include e-learning platforms, virtual classrooms, and interactive modules, enabling individuals and organizations to thrive in a digitized world. Through our Resourcing & Recruitment services, we help businesses identify and attract skilled professionals across domains. With our extensive network and rigorous selection processes, we meet workforce requirements and drive sustained growth.
Moreover, our Consulting services serve as a catalyst for organizational advancement, offering valuable insights and strategic roadmaps that enable informed decision-making and propel business growth. We provide guidance on process optimization, technology adoption, change management, digital strategy and deliver tailored solutions for tangible results and competitive advantages.
Our Mission
To contribute significantly to the success of our clients business by offering cost effective and quality services that would result in Customer Delight.
Our Vision
To be a leading and progressive global partner in the journey towards knowledge and growth.
Training in BTM Layout is a leading Training as well as Placement company with experience in leading IT Sectors of India. Our training reproduces the latest technologies, techniques, as well as processes that are advanced in practical knowledge collected from years of experience.
Oracle course is offered by Axcel Computer Learning Institute. Axcel Computer Learning Institute is a leading computer learning Institute operating from Mapusa Goa providing complete training for students who wish to learn the latest technology.
Oracle course is offered by Balaji Academy. Balaji Academy was established with a vision to evolve a unique system of education that increases the relevance of higher education. We at Balaji Academy have built a niche for exploring new ideas.
Database Management System (DBMS) course is offered by N.K. Computers. We Constantly updating academic and management practices to enhance quality management and promoting quality in all spheres.
Oracle course is offered by IT-Max. Our aim and mission assure Quality Education to all at a minimum fee structure. Moreover, poor and physically challenged students are given special offers from time to time.Â
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