Train to become a private investigator and learn how to start your own successful private investigation agency. Study at home with no previous experience necessary and start your own Investigation Agency in less than 6 weeks.
Be your own boss and earn up to £100 per hour with the UKPIN Diploma Course.
- Comprehensive Training- By training with the UKPIN you will not only learn how to be a professional private investigator but also how to set up and run your own investigation agency.
- Run Your Own Agency- We will also teach you how to actually operate and market your investigation agency, win clients and make real money.
- Membership of the UKPIN- You can become a member the UKPIN and instantly be at the heart of our industry networking with 600 other professional private investigators for business, advice, experience and discussion.
- Operate Nationally & Internationally- With the resources of the UKPIN at your fingertips you will be able to operate your investigation agency both nationally and internationally and capitalise on the vast amount of work available to our industry today.
- To give you an idea of how fascinating, interesting and often exciting the world of a private investigator can be, below is a brief insight into their life and work:
- Life of a private investigator- A Private Investigator or Private Detective can be involved in all manner of general and specialist investigations across the entire domestic, personal, business, legal and commercial investigative industry. A private investigator may also be involved in criminal investigations in the course of his work and specialist criminal investigators are generally referred to as Private Detectives.
What a private investigator does
- The working life of a private investigator is extremely interesting and diverse with every day bringing new, exciting and different challenges.
- On any given day, he/she may be involved in a myriad of investigations and enquiries, the following are examples of just a few:
- Observing and following persons in connection with matrimonial cases, false accident or sickness claims, crime, industrial fraud, intelligence and many other exciting situations.
Taking statements
- From witnesses, suspects or for research and background purposes.
General Enquiries
- Intelligence gathering on companies or individuals, financial status investigations and diverse information gathering.
Process serving
- The delivery and serving of Court and legal papers on individuals and companies.
- Acting as an agent for a company or solicitor to repossess property or vehicles.
- Fidelity investigations, child custody and asset location.
Skip Tracing
- Locating debtors and absconders.
Personal Accident
- Investigating the circumstances arising from personal injury claims and conducting surveillance operations on suspected fraudulent claimants.
Road Accident
- Investigating the circumstances of an accident and taking evidence and statements from accident parties and witnesses.
Criminal Defence
- Instructed by a solicitor to Investigate and substantiate an alibi, make general enquiries, prepare reports or take a statement.
The clients of a private investigator
Professional Private Investigators undertake all manner of investigations for all sorts of clients, their clientele can include:
- Private Individuals
- Commercial Firms
- Private Companies
- Solicitors involved with criminal, civil and matrimonial cases
- Public Bodies, such as Councils and Government Departments
- Insurance Companies
- Banks
- Financial Companies and Institutions
- Retail Businesses and Shopping Chains
- Licensing Trade
- International Clients
- Other Investigators Sub-Contacting Work
- And many, many more
By taking the UKPIN Private Investigation Training Course you will:
- Receive comprehensive training to become a professional private investigator
- Receive support and advice during and after your training
- Learn how to set up and start your new private investigation agency
- Learn how to market your agency and secure clients
- Learn how to charge for your services and make money
- Become a member of the UKPIN with all the benefits it brings
- Be introduced straight into the investigation industry
- Be able to investigate nationally and internationally through the UKPIN
- Be able to do business with and learn from over 600 professional private investigators