We conduct classes on 1 to 1 (private), mini-group, and big batch. We also provide online teaching for language and all academic-related subjects.
Foreign Languages
Learn to speak fluent French, German, Chinese (Mandarin & Cantonese) Spanish, Italian, Portuguese (Mozambique And Brazilian), Dutch, Russian, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Thai, Turkish, Sinhalese, Maithili, Swahili, Basque, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Irish, Javanese, Korean, Polish, Romanian, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese, welsh and many more. . . . . .
We conduct corporate training programs for various languages.
Welcome to Iyer language and academic classes
Indian Regional Languages ( Learn in 24 Hrs Only! )
Foreign Languages
Learn to speak fluent French, German, Chinese (Mandarin & Cantonese) Spanish, Italian, Portuguese (Mozambique And Brazilian), Dutch, Russian, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Thai, Turkish, Sinhalese, Maithili, Swahili, Basque, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Irish, Javanese, Korean, Polish, Romanian, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese, welsh and many more. . . . . .
We conduct corporate training programs for various languages.
Students can choose from three courses including basic, diploma, and advanced diploma. All of them aim to disseminate classes on grammar, vocabulary, syntax, phonetics, morphology and more.
he student can understand and use familiar everyday phrases. He knows a few basic words and phrases in Romanian, he can initiate a short conversation with usual sentences. He can introduce himself in a conversation, he can interact in a simple way with other people
inlingua Bangalore was set up in the year 2005 and in the last 13 years, has been offering Romanian language training programs for retail, corporate and institutional clients.
Powerlingo Provide Quality Language classes of Romanian.To offer the new learner every possible methodology available anywhere across various schools of thoughts to make the learning possible and effective.
Romanian is the Eastern romance language. it's the official & national language of Romania. The apex offers guaranteed courses in the Romanian language.
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