Social Media Marketing is a key digital marketing to increase brand awareness, generate leads and sales, grow your brand’s audience, increase web traffic.
Social Media Marketing is a key digital marketing to increase brand awareness, generate leads and sales, grow your brand’s audience, increase web traffic.
Facebook is. the most widely used social media in the world. This 2 days WSQ course will teach you the fundamentals of social media marketing on Facebook
Course Objectives
Learners will be able to develop strategies for utilising social media for marketing on Facebook
Course Outcomes
By the end of the course, learners will be able to
develop a plan for social media marketing campaign on Facebook
evaluate social market opportunities with Facebook social media marketing campaign.
monitor Facebook social media marketing performance
determine feasibility of various Facebook social media marketing campaigns by optimizing the Facebook Ads
evaluate the usage of Facebook campaign and its impact on the organization
establish social media marketing objectives
Skills Framework
This course follows the guideline of Social Media Marketing HAS-OTO-4007-1.1 TSC under Hotel and Accomodation Services Skills Framework
Two e-certificates will be awarded to trainees who have demonstrated competency in the WSQ assessment and achieved at least 75% attendance.
Tertiary Courses was established in Sep 2013. It is a subsidiary business division of Tertiary Infotech Pte. Ltd.
We are WSQ Approved Training Organization (ATO) , IBF Approved Training Provider, IMDA CITREP+ Approved Training Provider, We are also Autodesk Authorised Training Center (ATC) and Singapore GeBiz registered supplier.
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