Time Management

by etimes2 ltd Claim Listing

Our mission is to deliver high quality training while sharing the administrative load, freeing you to focus on your work, at the right price.


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1 Day

Course Details

Time Management course is offered by etimes2 ltd

We listen to our clients and do our utmost to solve the problems they face when implementing leadership development programmes and employee engagement solutions. 

We do not exist to simply sell training and diagnostics.  Our mission is to make sure we understand your people development needs and are able to specifically meet your needs.

Our mission is to deliver high quality training while sharing the administrative load, freeing you to focus on your work, at the right price.

We get close to our learners, listening to their stories and questions. We care about their experiences, learning and future.

We are psychologists, so naturally we can include a range of diagnostics in any leadership programme to make sure we hit the target.

We like to talk, listen and learn.  You will never be rushed and our pre-training consultancy is always free.

We don’t do ‘off the shelf’.  We deliver responsive training designed to meet the needs of the people in front of us.

  • Belfast City Branch

    10-20 Lombard St, Belfast City

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