Exam preparation should not be stressful and expensive. We show you solid ways to improve your marks and much of the practice work can be done at home.
Prep for Speaking / Writing
Exam preparation should not be stressful and expensive. We show you solid ways to improve your marks and much of the practice work can be done at home. A private tutor for exam preparation is here to
Prepare for Listening / Reading
When you listen to English speakers in Calgary (or when you read) you are "decoding" which is more of a passive behaviour. It requires different skills than speaking or writing (which is called "encoding").
The TOEFL exam wants to measure how ready you are to decode lectures (or read articles and text books) at Canadian colleges or universities. Get individual, private exam help.
Our classes are structured to provide a well-rounded learning experience, covering all major aspects, including pronunciation, oral comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing. Our primary focus is on achieving fluency, which we believe is the key to success in learning.
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