Looking for a Test Prep institute in India? Here is a table of Test Preparation centres in India along with the duration and cost of their courses: Institute Name City Course Name Duration Course Fee Manhattan Review Bengaluru GMAT 2 months $1590.00 (Classic Course) Jamboree Delhi GMAT 6 months Rs 20,999(Full Course) Akash Institute Delhi NEET 4 Days a week Till 2 days prior to exam Rs 11,800 (Booster Course) AskIITians Kota AIIMS 2 Years Rs 51,940 (Per Year) T.I.M.E Lucknow GRE Classroom Program 6 months Rs 11,950(Full Course) IMS India Bangalore GRE Self Learning Program 6 months Rs 5,199 (Full Course) Career Launcher Delhi SAT Online Live Classes 1 year Rs 59,250(Full Course) American Institute Of English Learning Ghaziabad SAT Classroom Program 1 Year Rs 49,000(Full Course) Trinity Global Education Delhi UKCAT Exam Prep 1 Year Rs 1,49,000(Full Course) Prep Zone Mumbai UKCAT Individual Course 1 Year Rs 2100 per hour 1. Manhattan Review, Bengaluru 2. Jamboree, Delhi 3. Akash Institute, Delhi 4. AskIITians, Kota 5. T.I.M.E, Lucknow 6. IMS India, Bangalore 7. Career Launcher, Delhi 8. American Institute Of English Learning, Ghaziabad 9. Trinity Global Education, Delhi 10. Prep Zone, Mumbai The average cost of a Test Preparation course in India is Rs 2,100 - Rs 51,940. The average duration of a Test Preparation course in India is 2 Months - 1 Year The average salary of a Financial Analyst in India is Rs 5,25,000, per year.
What are the Top Test Preparation course institutes in India?
What is the cost of Test Prep courses in India?
What is the duration of Test Prep courses in India?
What is the salary of a Financial Analyst in India?
CAT is the leading examination to admission into all the 20 IIMs. Apart from the 20 IIMs, CAT scores are used for admission into hundreds of top MBA colleges including FMS Delhi, SPJIMR Mumbai, JBIMS Mumbai, MDI Gurgaon, IITs, IMT, IMI, XIMB, TAPMI, IFMR Chennai and others as their key admission.
Our real-time simulated mock tests will hugely support your SAT coaching by acquainting you with knowledge on question types and time allotment.
Our real-time simulated mock tests will hugely support your SAT coaching by acquainting you with knowledge on question types and time allotment.
The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT ) is a computer adaptive test (CAT) intended to assess certain analytical, writing, quantitative, verbal, and reading skills in written English for use in admission to a graduate management program, such as an MBA program.
The Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) is a standardized test that is an admissions requirement for many graduate schools in the United States and Canada and few in other countries..
The SAT(Scholastic Assessment Test) is a standardized test widely used for college admissions in the United States. SAT is intended to measure literacy, numeracy and writing skills that are needed for academic success in college.
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