List of available Accounting, Finance and Banking Courses in Hamilton, New Zealand.

The Accounting, Finance and Banking courses in Hamilton are provided by the following institutes:

  1. Fraser High School, Hamilton
  2. Waikato Institute of Technology, Hamilton
  3. Waikato Management School, Hamilton
  4. IVS Training, Hamilton
  5. AH Accounting and Training Services, Hamilton

Also, check out all Accounting, Finance and Banking Courses from all over New Zealand.

10 course(s) offered by 1 institutes in Hamilton, New Zealand

Fraser High School Logo

Accounting for Non-Accountants

Learning and understanding the fundamental accounting blocks to the sweet slab of accounting is not only essential in understanding the basics of a business, your personal finance or if you are someone thinking of venturing into an accounting related career then this course is for you.

by Fraser High School [ Claim Listing ]
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Waikato Institute of Technology Logo

Certificate in Business (Administration and Technology)

Students will learn to create business documents such as reports and spreadsheets, and gain an understanding of MYOB software. At the end of the semester students will have the opportunity to put their learning into practice through work experience in a local business.

Cheapest by Waikato Institute of Technology [ Claim Listing ]

Waikato Management School Logo

Finance For Non-Financial Managers

Anyone can understand numbers and accounting as long as you have tools to do so. Finance for Non-Financial Managers equips you with the resources and the know-how to make numbers work for you.

by Waikato Management School [ Claim Listing ]
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IVS Training Logo

Marine Cargo Insurance

Lost, misplaced, stolen and damaged cargo claims are an everyday process for international freight forwarding consultants. Thousands of sea containers fall off container vessels every year that add to the thousands of claims on carriers, forwarders and agents.

Cheapest by IVS Training [ Claim Listing ]
AH Accounting and Training Services Logo

Certificate in MYOB AccountRight Premier Course

Certificate in MYOB AccountRight Premier 2017 is a “must do course” for those who are running their own business or looking for a job an office (administration) finance, bookkeeping and accounting areas.

by AH Accounting and Training Services [ Claim Listing ]
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Showing Courses 1 - 10

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