List of available Sage Accounting Software Courses in Glasgow, UK. The Sage Accounting Software courses in Glasgow are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Sage Accounting Software Courses from all over UK.
Sage Payroll Training is a training course designed to help you learn about Sage Payroll. Sage Payroll is a payroll package that allows users to calculate salary payments for their staff.
This course is also suitable for those who wish to possess a comprehensive knowledge of the payroll function, perhaps on top of other skills, such as bookkeeping & accounting, or as a stand-alone skill.
Certificate in Computerised Accounting (SAGE) is offered by City Of Glasgow College. We offer a range of courses designed to give you the skills you need to get ahead in the world of business and finance.
You will initially be introduced to manual book-keeping procedures and will record transactions up to trial balance you will also set up SAGE Line 50 software for a company and set up supplier, customer and nominal accounts.
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