List of available Phlebotomy Courses in Liverpool, UK. The Phlebotomy courses in Liverpool are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Phlebotomy Courses from all over UK.
In your course we cover in depth theory of phlebotomy, blood structure and vein structure. Techniques on how to insert needles & withdraw blood. A live demonstration will be shown and practice time for you, ideally on each other or a model.
This is one of the mandatory units that you have to take before proceeding to our Platelet Rich Plasma training programmed.
Phlebotomy is a procedure in which a needle is used to take blood from a vein, usually in the arm, with a cannula. The phlebotomy qualification could take you down a new career path as a phlebotomist or give you the ability to further your current career in nursing, healthcare or aesthetics.
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