Looking for Bachelor of Education degree courses in the US?
Here is a list of top Universities offering Bachelor of Education degree in the US. Your BEd course in the US will take 4 years to complete the degree.
For your reference on the costs of Bachelor of Education degree in USA, refer to this table below to get the idea.
Institutions |
Course |
Fees |
Yale University |
Bachelor of Education course |
$572 |
Michigan State University |
Bachelor of Education course |
$549 |
Texas University |
Bachelor of Education course |
$17880 / year |
The following are some of the most well-known universities for studying Bachelor of Education course in the US:
1. The University of Maryland
2. New York University, NYC
3. Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana
4. The University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
5. The University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
6. The University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
7. The University of California, Los Angeles
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