List of available Bachelor of Accounting Classes in Los Angeles, USA.

The Bachelor of Accounting courses in Los Angeles are provided by the following institutes:

  1. Los Angeles Southwest College, Los Angeles
  2. Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles
  3. Los Angeles Valley College, Los Angeles

Also, check out all Bachelor of Accounting Classes from all over USA.

3 course(s) offered by 1 institutes in Los Angeles, USA

Los Angeles Southwest College Logo

Business Administration: Accounting / General Business

Advise the company’s manager on areas of overspending and ways to cut back. Review an advertising firm’s finances to find misplaced funds. Help your elderly neighbors complete their tax forms correctly.

Cheapest by Los Angeles Southwest College [ Claim Listing ]
Loyola Marymount University Logo

Bachelor of Science in Accounting

The Bachelor of Science in Accounting program is designed to prepare students for a career in public, corporate and governmental accounting. Students learn the basic definitions, concepts and techniques of accounting

Cheapest by Loyola Marymount University [ Claim Listing ]
Los Angeles Valley College Logo

Accounting, AA

This degree serves as the basis for further undergraduate education in accounting as well as preparing students for entry-level positions in accounting and tax preparation. It is designed to enable students to do accounting work in the public sector or in private companies.

Cheapest by Los Angeles Valley College [ Claim Listing ]
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