List of available CSSD Technician Courses in Nashville, USA.

The CSSD Technician courses in Nashville are provided by the following institutes:

  1. Nashville State Community College, Nashville
  2. South College, Nashville
  3. Vanderbilt University, Nashville

Also, check out all CSSD Technician Courses from all over USA.

3 course(s) offered by 1 institutes in Nashville, USA

Nashville State Community College Logo

Central Sterile Processing Technology

Ready to be an instrumental part of the OR? As a certified Central Sterile Processing Technician, you will clean, sterilize, and prepare medical equipment to be used during a variety of procedures. In as little as one year, you could be on your way to a rewarding career in the operating room.

by Nashville State Community College [ Claim Listing ]
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South College Logo

Certificate in Sterile Processing Technician

Our Certificate in Sterile Processing Technician program is designed to develop knowledge and skills needed by sterile processing technicians in a healthcare facility.

Cheapest by South College [ Claim Listing ]

Vanderbilt University Logo

Central Sterile Processing Technician Program

Earn while you learn! Not only will VUMC cover the cost of your tuition, you will receive an hourly wage throughout the program with the expectation that upon program completion, you commit to a full-time position as a central sterile processing technician at VUMC and continue in that role for 1 y...

Cheapest by Vanderbilt University [ Claim Listing ]
Showing Courses 1 - 3

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