List of available Real Estate Management Courses in Seattle, USA. The Real Estate Management courses in Seattle are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Real Estate Management Courses from all over USA.
The purpose of this course is to introduce real estate brokers and managing brokers to the federal Fair Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 3601 et seq.) and the Washington Law Against Discrimination (chapter 49.60 RCW) as it relates to real estate transactions.
Our Washington Real Estate Practices Course is designed to take you through all the key aspects of real estate brokerage in our state. In this course, you'll learn about agency relationships, listing agreements, purchase and sale agreements, negotiations, marketing and financing property.
Our possible sources are Law, our REALTOR Code of Ethics, and our own personal morals and beliefs, which are a mix of our own history, education, religion, etc. Â Through our examples, we will find that sometimes there is no right or wrong answer to the business and life challenges we face every da...
This certificate prepares students for positions in property management in both residential and commercial buildings. Learn principles and scope of property managers and the common activities of property managers
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