List of available Logistics & Supply Chain Courses in Winnipeg, Canada.

The Logistics & Supply Chain courses in Winnipeg are provided by the following institutes:

  1. Herzing College, Winnipeg
  2. Willis College, Winnipeg
  3. Commonwealth College, Winnipeg
  4. CDI College, Winnipeg
  5. University of Winnipeg Professional, Applied and Continuing, Winnipeg

Also, check out all Logistics & Supply Chain Courses from all over Canada.

13 course(s) offered by 1 institutes in Winnipeg, Canada

Herzing College Logo

International Commerce & Import/Export

Prepare to become a Certified International Trade Professional (CITP). Learn import/export laws, regulations, marketing and international business strategy.

Cheapest by Herzing College [ Claim Listing ]
Willis College Logo

Essentials of Freight Forwarding

Students will complete international documentation such as letters of credit, certificates of origin, and bills of exchange. Packaging and warehousing goods in the international supply chain will be covered.

Cheapest by Willis College [ Claim Listing ]
Commonwealth College Logo

Warehouse Management

In this course, students will learn about the value-added roles of warehouses, warehousing activities, storage and handling equipment, the role of communication technologies, people management and the latest warehouse trends.

Cheapest by Commonwealth College [ Claim Listing ]
CDI College Logo

Warehouse and Distribution Management Practicum

This field placement will prepare students for their transition to the workforce. The practicum will be completed in a warehouse or distribution centre environment working under the supervision of experienced personnel.

Cheapest by CDI College [ Claim Listing ]
University of Winnipeg Professional, Applied and Continuing Logo

Supply Chain Management Diploma

Delivered by industry experts and supported by the Supply Chain Management Association - Manitoba (SCMA-MB), this program offers students an educational experience that is rooted in real-world practice and current industry needs.

by University of Winnipeg Professional, Applied and Continuing [ Claim Listing ]
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