Preparers are required to exercise considerable professional judgement in deciding the quantitative and qualitative information needed to provide fair presentation for the users of financial statements.
Presenting a set of financial statements for a company listed in stock exchange is inherently complex and risky.
Preparers are required to exercise considerable professional judgement in deciding the quantitative and qualitative information needed to provide fair presentation for the users of financial statements.
This seminar selected four SFRS(I)s that frequently used by listed companies in presenting annual financial statements and interim financial statements.
Programme Objective
The seminar analyses the technical requirements in each of the four main areas of financial reporting for listed companies:
Presenting and disclosure for annual financial statements
Presentation and disclosure for interim financial reports
Presentation and disclosure of earning per shares
Identifying and disclosing operating segments
The seminar explains how to compute the necessary financial information in accordance with the relevant SFRS(I)s and to present such information in the most effective manner.
Programme Outline
1) Mastering the fundamental technical skills of presenting financial statements
Technical considerations:
Offset of assets and liabilities, income and expense
Aggregations and materiality consideration
How to present notes and explanatory information in a systematic manner
Choosing format and contents for main statements
Understanding users’ perception on information presented
Choosing the appropriate format for profit or loss and other comprehensive income (OCI)
Choosing the format for statements of financial position
2) Measurement basis and processes to determine basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share and prescribes the specific disclosure and presentation requirements relating to these measures.
Determination of earnings and weighted averaged number of shares for
Basic earnings per share and Diluted earnings per share
Retrospective adjustments
3) Measurement, recognition and presentation requirements relating to interim financial statements.
Form and content of an interim financial report
Minimum components and selected explanatory notes
Compliance with FRS
Recognition and measurement
Materiality consideration
Accounting policies
Uneven trends for revenues and costs
Use of estimates
4) Understanding of the principles of identifying operating segments and determining reportable segments in financial statements
Scope and objective
Identifying operating segments
Determining reportable segments
Quantitative threshold and aggregation criteria
General information
Information about profit or loss, assets and liabilities
Recognition of information to financial statements
Entity-wide disclosures
Information about products and services
Information about geographical areas
Information about major customers
Training Methodology
Lecture style, with practical illustrations, technical flow-charts, conceptual “mind maps” and interactive discussions.
Intended For
This programmed is suitable for all Finance Professionals, Audit Professionals, Members of Audit Committee, Finance Directors and Regulators.
Those who are keen on attending a practical course that can comprehensively cover and/or provide a refresher of the principles of IFRS-Identical FRSs that affect presentation and disclosure of financial statements of a listed company, as well as a discussion on the potential changes and updates on the current Generally Accepted Accounting Practice are welcome to attend.
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