Develop skills for making key decisions that affect bank profitability. Learn how to conduct performance analyses. Discover ways to measure and manage interest rate risk.
Develop skills for making key decisions that affect bank profitability. Learn how to conduct performance analyses. Discover ways to measure and manage interest rate risk.
Explore best practices in managing funding, liquidity and capital. Demonstrate understanding by applying concepts in organization-specific exercises.
By completing the ABA Certificate in Bank Financial Management curriculum, you’ll strengthen your knowledge of sound financial management in a banking institution.
Required Courses:
You must complete the following courses to earn your certificate. No substitutions or previous college credit will be accepted. The courses can be purchased individually or as a full certificate.
Facilitated Online: Five to eight weeks each in duration, and you can select your start date and log in at your convenience. Estimated learning time is 3 hours per week.
Analyzing Bank Performance
Managing the Bank’s Investment Portfolio
Managing Funding Liquidity and Capital
Managing Interest Rate Risk
Self-Paced Online: Learn at your own pace. This course is approx. 25 minutes in length.
Ethical Issues for Bankers
CFT Online Courses feature just the right mix of technology, flexibility, and thoughtful instructors to provide a memorable learning experience. The interactive classroom platform features student/instructor messaging,
Weekly assignments that can be completed at a time convenient for the student, and thought provoking lectures. Click course title for description and registration.
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