clients define and achieve their objectives during and beyond their lifetime. Learn the tax considerations and gifting strategies surrounding individual income tax, fiduciary income tax and federal estate tax.
Learn how personal finance, tax, insurance, retirement and estate planning work together to help clients define and achieve their objectives during and beyond their lifetime.
Learn the tax considerations and gifting strategies surrounding individual income tax, fiduciary income tax and federal estate tax. Gain foundational knowledge on the fundamentals of insurance and the features of life insurance policies and annuities.
Explore planning considerations Individual Retirement Accounts, how benefits are coordinated with the estate plan and the planning aspects of various retirement plans.
Gain a better understanding of the marital deduction, charitable techniques to accomplish estate and financial planning objectives and tax implications of education plans and how trusts can be used for this purpose.
Learn how clients financial lives are reflected on their balance sheets, how to analyze and interpret the balance sheets and legal entity structures used by clients to hold assets and how they align with their strategies and goals.
CFT Online Courses feature just the right mix of technology, flexibility, and thoughtful instructors to provide a memorable learning experience. The interactive classroom platform features student/instructor messaging,
Weekly assignments that can be completed at a time convenient for the student, and thought provoking lectures. Click course title for description and registration.
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