SIP Abacus is designed for children between 6 and 12 years of age. Through the years, we have constantly incorporated the best practices and refined the curriculum as well as our training methods.
SIP Abacus is designed for children between 6 and 12 years of age. Through the years, we have constantly incorporated the best practices and refined the curriculum as well as our training methods.
Abacus instrument is initially used to teach your kids Abacus. As they complete Foundation Level 2 of our integrated course, they slowly leave the instrument as their photographic memory increases. The beads get embedded in their brain and they can calculate complex sums in seconds.
ABACUS is an answer to all the problems your child will face when his academic pressure and syllabus increases manifold!! ABACUS learning not only builds his mathematical skills tremendously but also develop other cognitive skills !!
ABACUS trained child can do big numerical calculations mentally which means he will save lot of time doing rough work and is much better prepared for future competitive exams as compared to non ABACUS trained children.
SIP Abacus program helps to develop all the necessary skill sets to make your child an all-rounder.
SIP Abacus is a skill development program that can help in various aspects of your child’s development. SIP Abacus courses are designed to develop soft-skills, numerical abilities and overall intelligence.
Children in today’s smartphone-enabled world have just one problem – the constant distraction of stimuli from smartphones, streaming platforms, and other devices.
SIP Abacus program is tailored to engage your child productively, learning MATH in a fun way.
SIP Abacus makes your child 5 times better. To know how, click on Know more.
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