Learn advanced features of adobe illustrator such as creating and enhancing complex illustrations, perspective drawing, designing front-end layouts for websites, drawing maps, creating a vector version of a raster graphic, working with advanced color settings, creating special effects, and preparing
Learn advanced features of adobe illustrator such as creating and enhancing complex illustrations, perspective drawing, designing front-end layouts for websites, drawing maps, creating a vector version of a raster graphic, working with advanced color settings, creating special effects, and preparing documents for composite and commercial printing. Assignments and class exercises are geared towards the industry demand.
Students get access to Adobe Creative Cloud for the duration of the course.
Required: Please bring a USB flash drive to class.
Prerequisite: Illustrator Level 1 (MACD 1127) or equivalent knowledge. Please note that this course is taught in a Mac lab.
The Architectural Institute of British Columbia (AIBC) is an independent body with the mandate to regulate the profession of architecture in the interest of the public through a responsive framework.The AIBC was established in 1920 by provincial statute, and since 2023, has governed the profession under the authority of the Professional Governance Act.
Our Mandate
In the interest of serving and protecting the public, the Architectural Institute of British Columbia regulates the profession of architecture through a responsive regulatory framework.
Our Vision
Public confidence in the profession of architecture through progressive regulation.
Our Values
Adobe Illustrator is the most popular vector graphic illustration software among graphic designers, desktop publishing professionals, web developers, and visual and multimedia artists.
This course focuses on Adobe Illustrator CC, the component within CC used to create graphics, while enabling its users to integrate content from other domains (such as photo-oriented graphics and animation, which belong to Adobe Photoshop and Flash).
The “image” in interactive design, interface building, and web publishing is central to digital production. This course covers key tools, filters, and layers in the creation and manipulation of images, building foundational skills in the use of creative production software.
In this adobe illustrator course, you will learn how to use vectors to create high quality illustrations, logos, and other custom artwork. This is an entry-level illustrator class, and introduces you to the power of the pen tool, how to transform existing shapes, and how to add colour to drawn obje...
Prepare for a creative career where your ideas count! Dawson’s Illustration Program will focus on improving your drawing and painting abilities while introducing you to 2D and 3D software applications.
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