Specialty training in adult Cardiology in London allows trainees to see and be a part of the breath of state of the art Cardiology practice.
Adult Cardiology course is offered by Health Education England Midlands
Specialty training in adult Cardiology in London allows trainees to see and be a part of the breath of state of the art Cardiology practice.
Cardiology specialty training in London is divided up into three sectors: North East / North West and South Thames. We work closely with Kent Surrey and Sussex with some jobs being shared.
Core Training
In the ST3-5 years, training is split between district general and tertiary centres and allows trainees to reach sign off for core cardiology training.
Subspecialty Training
In the ST6 and 7 years of training, subspecialty training is undertaken in interventional cardiology / electrophysiology / devices / adult congenital heart disease / all imaging modalities / heart failure / inherited heart disease. The majority of subspecialty training is in tertiary centres.
Opportunities for Research
Many trainees take advantage of the active research programmes at these units to take time out of training to undertake a higher research degree, which is both encouraged and supported.
About Us
Here at Health Education England Midlands we aim to offer our medical and dental trainees the highest quality training, supervision and support. This is because we believe excellence in education and training is at the heart of delivering excellent patient care. We hope you will spend many enjoyable and rewarding years with us developing your medical or dental career.
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