Charteris Bay Yacht Club runs a learn to sail programme for adults and older teenagers. The course is tailored for complete novices or those who are rusty and needing a refresher course.
Charteris Bay Yacht Club runs a learn to sail programme for adults and older teenagers. The course is tailored for complete novices or those who are rusty and needing a refresher course. The courses are sailed in either a single person laser dinghy with a 4.7 rig: ie suitable for 50+kg and an Topaz Omega.
The aim of the course is to prepare you for club sailing. You will learn to rig, launch and retrieve your boat, to be able to sail a basic triangular course and to be able to right your boat from capsize.
Charteris Bay Yacht Club is on the south eastern side of inner Whakaraupo (Lyttelton Harbour). From Christchurch, either come over Dyers Pass, or, through the Lyttelton tunnel. It’s then a short trip around the bays, through Teddington and on to Charteris Bay. The Club is well sign posted, with the driveway down to the Club off the main road to Diamond Harbour.
The club house is in a wonderful spot with all day sun, and sheltered from the infamous easterly wind. Because the sailing area is in the inner part of the harbour it is relatively sheltered from strong winds and swells. We utilise sailing and racing courses both in front of the club and in the main harbour which makes for an excellent variety of sailing conditions. The sailing area is affected by tides but sailing can comfortably take place 2 hours either side of low tide.
CBYC is primarily a dinghy sailing (mono and multi hull) club. We have the regions strongest Optimist, P-class and Starling fleets and strong fleets of Paper Tigers and Finns. We welcome all new members and volunteeers.
Introductory through to advanced courses to develop sailing competence as crew or skipper in inshore, coastal, and ocean waters. Includes Shorebased Courses. To gain experience of operating a sailing vessel.
Always wanted to learn how to sail but don't know where to start? Many clubs offer their own in-house learn to sail courses for children and adults and some have yachts that you can borrow as well.
Our Adult Learn to Sail courses comprise 6 three hour sessions over a 6 week period where you will learn the basics of sailing in a two person dinghy. The courses are led by a Yachting New Zealand qualified coach under a YNZ curriculum.
The IYT Try Sailing Course is a 5 hour course aimed to provide candidates with basic introductory knowledge for crewing a vessel (monohull or catamaran) up to 15 meters in inland or coastal waters <5 miles offshore during daylight hours in moderate wind and sea conditions.
Learn to Sail course is offered by Otago Yacht Club Inc. LTS is for all ages and abilities. What should sailors bring? Sailors need suitable sailing clothing for the cold Dunedin harbour (wetsuit, booties/water shoes), a towel, and a warm change of clothes.
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