As a second-time recipient of the prestigious and highly coveted Best Private Education Institution Award in Hospitality and Tourism – JobsCentral Learning Training & Education Development (T.E.D.) Awards (2017 and 2018), it bears ample testimony to our pedagogical excellence and the remarkable qual
Best Private Education Institution Award in Hospitality and Tourism
As a second-time recipient of the prestigious and highly coveted Best Private Education Institution Award in Hospitality and Tourism – JobsCentral Learning Training & Education Development (T.E.D.) Awards (2017 and 2018), it bears ample testimony to our pedagogical excellence and the remarkable quality in the effective delivery of our Hospitality and Tourism programmes.
DIMENSIONS’ Hospitality and Tourism programmes are officially endorsed by our in-house Hospitality Advisory Board (HAB) that is actively supporting our students’ educational journey through continuously improved syllabus, significant industry inputs, best practices in the industry, and analysis of the future trends.
In addition to that, students are richly supported with our bespoke training facilities, such as the bar and restaurant training room as well as guest room to help them develop their practical skills.
Scottish Qualifications Authority
The Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA), Scotland’s national body for qualifications, works across the UK and internationally with schools, colleges, universities and training organisations to develop and deliver their qualifications and assessments.
The Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) has changed the name of their SQA Higher National Diploma qualifications to SQA Advanced Diploma qualifications in countries outside of Scotland.
SQA provides a wide range of internationally recognised qualifications and associated services. SQA also awards a range of other qualifications, including customised awards to meet the needs of individual companies and organisations.
In addition, SQA provides advice, support and services, such as expertise in assessment, that enable organisations to succeed in meeting a wide range of educational and workforce development challenges.
The SQA Advanced Diploma is a higher education qualification which enables advanced entry into many undergraduate degree programmes in Universities and Higher Education Institutions across the world.
The SQA Advanced Diploma programme is widely recognised around the world as being equivalent to the first two years of undergraduate study. SQA has partnered with a number of highly regarded international institutions who will consider applications from SQA Advanced Diploma graduates.
Programme Introduction
The SQA Advanced Diploma in Hospitality Management is exclusively designed to equip you with the knowledge and understanding of the service and tourism sector, developing your operational and managerial aspects. In addition, there is never a dull moment in the dynamic and robust hospitality establishments.
This course covers the units in hospitality supervision, food hygiene, food and beverage service, management of food and beverage operations, marketing planning process and so forth. Having completed theory learning and practical training, you will undergo a 6-month Industrial Attachment (IA)*, attaining a set of readily transferrable skills.
Upon successful completion of the course, you will be awarded with the SQA Advanced Diploma in Hospitality Management by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA). This qualification enables you to develop real world competencies and at the same time, increases your chances in landing an ideal job upon graduation.
The programme consists of two components:
Theory and practical lessons conducted at DIMENSIONS International College (16 months).
Industrial Attachment (IA)*. Students will be trained at hotels, resorts, country clubs or restaurants (6 months).
This course is designed with the aim to equip students in the hospitality sector with the following learning objectives:
To provide students with the most essential knowledge and up-to-date skills required for a profession in the hospitality sector
To increase students’ expertise in areas ranging from general hospitality operation and management, marketing and event, food and beverage operation, human resource management, finance, customer services to room division operation
To develop strong management, supervisory, interpersonal and communication skills in the key operational areas which comprise of food and beverage service styles and techniques as well as food hygiene and control systems
Designed for
Aspiring hospitality students
Individuals who set their sights on earning a degree in the near future
Working adults with similar work experience who are looking for an upgrade
Scope of Study
This course is designed to equip candidates with the knowledge, understanding and skills required for employment in the hospitality industry.
16 months Institutional Training and 6 months Industrial Attachment (IA)* (Total 22 months)
Maximum allowed period for a student to complete the course is 32 months of Institutional Training excluding Industrial Attachment (IA) period
Maximum Candidature Period
Student is not allowed to retake the course and/or request for a refund in the event if he/she fails to complete the programme within the maximum candidature period.
Entry Requirements
Academic Level:
Local students
Received a passing grade in at least one (1) GCE A-Level subject or DIMENSIONS’ Foundation Diploma in Business or Hospitality Diploma or other Certificate in Foundation programme (with equivalent entry requirements as Foundation Diploma in Business and subject to approval)
International students
Equivalent to Year 12 from the respective home countries of the applicants
English Proficiency :
An IELTS score of at least 5.5 or DIMENSIONS’ Certificate in Academic English (CAE) Level 4 or passed DIMENSIONS’ English Proficiency Test at an equivalent level or its equivalent. English proficiency may be considered to have been met and an IELTS score may not be required if applicant possesses a highest qualification where English was the sole medium of instruction.
DIMENSIONS International College (DIMENSIONS), formerly known as Dimensions Commercial School, was established in 1980 with the foremost aim of providing students with access to well-rounded and high-quality education tailored to meet their unique needs and requirements.
Since then, DIMENSIONS has boasted a robust reputation for delivering rigorous and broad-based bespoke educational programmes, spanning different levels of studies, for students across diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds as well as education profiles.
Five Acamedic School
At present, we have five (5) academic schools, namely the School of Higher Education, School of Hospitality, School of Languages, DIMENSIONS High School, and Cambridge Primary School (registered with CAIE in May 2017) housed in three (3) full-fledged campuses strategically located in Singapore.
58 Lowland Road, Singapore 547453 (Main Campus)
2 Jalan Seh Chuan, Singapore 598417 (Bukit Timah Campus)
277 River Valley Road, Singapore 238318 (City Campus)
All five (5) schools within DIMENSIONS share the same unique approach to education: To be a premier institution focused on playing a vital role in ensuring that students are academically prepared and trained to handle the rigors of postsecondary education.
And at the same time, nurturing future-ready graduates by providing them with the academic knowledge and practical skills to succeed, as well as inculcating in them a passion for lifelong learning.
Dynamically driven by the vision to provide an alternative and steady educational pathway from primary to higher education level, DIMENSIONS has expanded to offer a broad spectrum of academic programmes which covers various areas of niche studies
Which comprise Accounting and Finance, Business, Hospitality and Tourism, Food and Beverage, Health and Life Sciences, GCE O and A-Level, Cambridge Primary, English Language, etc. to create a strong foundation for students at an early age in order to give them a leg up for further education and/or employment.
Composed of distinguished external academicians and industry experts, our Academic Board and Examination Board ensure that our quality assurance policies and processes as well as academic standards and rigour are met at every step.
Our extensive pool of full-time and adjunct lecturers is approved by our Academic Board and is registered with the Committee for Private Education (CPE). In addition, they possess the required professional qualifications with a wealth of experience.
1- School of Higher Education
At the School of Higher Education, we offer an array of Foundation to Master’s Degree programmes which includes DIMENSIONS’ self-developed programmes and some which are in partnership with international educational institutions – Cardiff Metropolitan University, Liverpool John Moores University, Pearson Education Limited, the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) and the Chartered Institute of Credit Management (CICM).
2- School of Hospitality
The hospitality industry is considered one of the fastest-growing and rapidly burgeoning sectors. At the School of Hospitality, we offer Diploma, Advanced Diploma, Higher National Diploma, Bachelor’s Degree, and Postgraduate Diploma programmes which enable students to undergo rigorous hands-on training through the practical classes conducted at the on-campus training facilities such as bar, restaurant and hotel.
3- School of Languages
DIMENSIONS’ Certificate in Academic English (CAE) programmes offered in the School of Languages are specially designed to prepare international students for enrolment into higher education programmes. The programmes help to build their knowledge and skills of academic English writing and familiarise themselves with the conventions of syntax, grammar, and spelling through their encounters with spoken and written texts.
4- DImensions High School
At DIMENSIONS High School, we offer the Preparatory Course for Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education (Ordinary Level) (GCE O-Level) and Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) (GCE A-Level)
as well as the Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) and Advanced Levels programmes to produce future-ready graduates and to facilitate their academic progression along an upward trajectory.
Besides, we offer Preparatory Courses to prepare international students to sit for the Admissions Exercise for International Students (AEIS) test for admission to Singapore Government Secondary Schools.
5- A Registered Cambridge Primary School
DIMENSIONS is a registered Cambridge Primary School with the Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE). The Cambridge Primary Programme (Year 1-6) aims to develop a solid academic foundation for the young learners through the core academic subjects – English, Mathematics, and Science.
As part of holistic education, the following subjects, namely Art, Physical Education, Music and Social Studies will also be integrated into the Cambridge Primary curriculum. Students also have to choose one (1) of seven (7) optional language subjects (Chinese, Malay, Hindi, Tamil, Bengali, Tagalog, and French).
Upon completion, learners will be well prepared for progression to the Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) Lower Secondary with Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint programme.
To be the premier institution providing an alternative pathway to holistic education in the private education industry
To inspire students to have passion for learning
Core Values
Dedication– To provide quality services in all aspects of the delivery process
Accountability – To be transparent and responsible in all courses and services offered to students
Reliability – To provide consistent, dependable services in line with the terms and conditions of EduTrust
Entrepreneurship – To demonstrate at all times entrepreneurial spirit to meet the requirements for growth of the College
Quality services for students.
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